论文写作-APA In-Text Citations

APA In-Text Citations


APA风格是为心理学和社会科学课程撰写论文和报告的学生通常需要的格式。 这种风格类似于MLA,但有一些很小但是很重要的差异。 例如,APA格式要求引用中的缩写较少,但它更强调符号中的发布日期。

只要您使用来自外部来源的信息,就会说明作者和日期。 除非您在文本中提到了作者的姓名,否则请在引用的材料后立即将它们放在括号中。 如果作者在您的论文文本流程中说明,则在引用的材料之后立即用括号表示日期。

For example:
During the outbreak, the doctors thought the psychological symptoms were unrelated (Juarez, 1993).


For example:
Juarez (1993) has analyzed many reports written by psychologists directly involved in the studies.

当引用两位作者的作品时,你应该引用两位作者的姓氏。 使用&符号(&)分隔引文中的名称,但在文本中使用单词和。

For example:
The small tribes along the Amazon that have survived over the centuries have evolved in parallel ways (Hanes & Roberts, 1978).


Hanes and Roberts (1978) claim that the ways in which the small Amazonian tribes have evolved over the centuries are similar to each other.

有时您必须引用三到五位作者的作品,如果是这样,请在第一篇参考文献中引用它们。 然后,在以下引用中,仅说明第一作者的名字,然后是等人。

For example:
Living on the road for weeks at a time has been linked to many negative emotional, psychological, and physical health issues (Hans, Ludwig, Martin, &Varner, 1999).


According to Hans et al. (1999), lack of stability is a major factor.

如果您使用包含六位或更多作者的文本,请引用第一位作者的姓氏,然后是et al。 和出版年份。 完整的作者列表应包含在论文末尾的作品引用列表中。

For example:
As Carnes et al. (2002) have noted, the immediate bond between a newborn baby and its mother has been extensively studied by many disciplines.

如果您引用公司作者,则应在每个文本引用中声明全名,然后是发布日期。 如果名称很长并且缩写版本是可识别的,则可以在后续参考文献中缩写。

For example:
New statistics show that owning pets improves emotional health (United Pet Lovers Association [UPLA], 2007).
The type of pet seems to make little difference (UPLA, 2007).


For example:
Kevin Walker’s “Ants and the Plants They Love” would be Walker, 1978a, while his “Beetle Bonanza” would be Walker, 1978b.


For example:
K. Smith (1932) wrote the first study done in his state.


For example:
Criag Jackson, Director of Passion Fashion, stated that the color changing dresses are the wave of the future (personal communication, April 17, 2009).


  • 始终将引文放在所用材料的末尾。
  • 如果您使用的是直接引用,请将引文放在右引号的外面。
  • 文本的结束标点符号(句点,感叹号)遵循括号引用。
  • 如果您使用的是一整块引用,请将引文放在段落的最后一个标点符号之后。
  • 单独一个页面列出所引用的所有材料。
  • 如果你对自己写的APA格式不太放心,您可以把英语论文交给我们的润色修改专家,我们会帮您修改语法逻辑结构以及引文风格的错误。

