
University of Toronto|多伦多大学

APS1029H-The Science of Emotional Intelligence and its Application to Leadership



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其中,University of Toronto|多伦多大学 是我们已提供代写服务(含作文批改)的众多院校之一,并为客户提供了 APS1029H-The Science of Emotional Intelligence and its Application to Leadership 高质量的定制写作和指导服务,旗下专家写手可以快速、准确的完成 APS1029H-The Science of Emotional Intelligence and its Application to Leadership 课程及其相关课程中所包含的各类写作任务。

课程(项目)简介:APS1029H-The Science of Emotional Intelligence and its Application to Leadership

A growing body of social science research offers clear evidence that emotional intelligence (EQ) plays a crucial role in leadership effectiveness. We know that the most successful managers are able to motivate and achieve best performances through the ability to understand others, and the key to this is to first understand yourself. In this course, you will complete the most scientifically validated EQ assessment available, The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) and receive a detailed report that identifies your leadership strengths and targets areas for development. You will acquire an enhanced level of self-knowledge and a deeper awareness of your impact on others. This will form the basis of a personal development plan that will help you improve your leadership effectiveness. In this course we will also examine evidence-based research that links leadership effectiveness to authenticity and mindfulness, both of which can be enhanced through mindfulness training programs. Simply defined, mindfulness is the awareness of one’s mental processes and the understanding of how one’s mind works. Using case studies, we will discover why companies such as Carlsberg, Google, Sony and General Electric have trained hundreds of employees in mindfulness.

学校简介:University of Toronto|多伦多大学

多伦多大学 (University of Toronto),始建于1827年,坐落在加拿大第一大城市多伦多,是加拿大的一所顶尖学府,也是世界范围享有盛誉的研究性大学,主校区(简称UTSG)位于多伦多市中心,校园环绕安大略省政府与皇后公园。 在学术及研究方面,其经费、捐款、国家教授奖项、研究出版规模和藏书量皆为加拿大之首。其图书馆藏书量位于北美第三(仅次于哈佛大学和耶鲁大学)[1] 。同样多伦多大学出版社在北美地区也享有盛誉。

