70个绝妙的Argumentative Essay Topic分享

70 Argumentative Essay Topics That Will Put Up a Good Fight

同学们在拿到一份英语议论文(Argumentative Essay)作业时,通常来说老师会给两种方式去写,一种是已经给定topic,另外一种是需要同学们自己选定topic,今天我们要来讨论为的就是第二种情况。

Why Pick Debatable Argumentative Essay Topics?

我列出了70个议论文的话题Topic,我把话题分为五类:法律、道德、社会、媒体和家庭。希望以下70 Argumentative Essay Topics能够帮助写出漂亮的Argumentative Essay

14 Legal Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Should cigarettes and other tobacco products be outlawed?
  2. Should prostitution be legal?
  3. Do the benefits of medical marijuana justify its legality?
  4. Is the drinking age appropriate (should it be lower, higher, or stay the same)?
  5. Should nuclear weapons be outlawed worldwide?
  6. Should the United States put more restrictions on gun ownership and use?
  7. At what age should girls have access to birth control without the consent of their parents?
  8. Should cellphone use be banned while driving?
  9. Does outlawing controlled substances only create a larger black market?
  10. Should corporations be granted personhood?
  11. Should juveniles be sentenced to life in prison?
  12. In what situations, if any, does a woman have a right to an abortion?
  13. Should restaurants be required to include calories on all menu items?
  14. Should an added tax be placed on sugary drinks, such as sodas?
  15. 14 Moral Argumentative Essay Topics

  16. Is animal testing necessary?
  17. Should consumers buy items from countries that endorse child labor?
  18. Do patients have a right to die via physician-assisted suicide?
  19. Should children’s beauty pageants be banned?
  20. Are nude photographs appropriate in museums that are open to the public?
  21. Should schools and businesses give more incentives for people to do volunteer work?
  22. Are atheists less moral than theists?
  23. Does freedom of speech give people the right to use hate speech?
  24. Do people who commit heinous crimes deserve the death penalty?
  25. Do pre-employment drug tests infringe on personal privacy rights?
  26. Should employees be able to have visible tattoos in the workplace?
  27. Are cameras in public places an invasion of privacy?
  28. Should teens be allowed to have cosmetic surgery?
  29. Should Dreamers be allowed to stay in the United States?
  30. 14 Social Argumentative Essay Topics

  31. Is there too much pressure on teenagers to go to college?
  32. At what age should citizens be allowed to vote in the United States?
  33. Should more rights be given to immigrants?
  34. Can heterosexual men and women truly be friends with no hopes or expectations of anything more?
  35. In what case(s) could it be considered fair for a company to not hire a candidate who smokes cigarettes?
  36. Should the United States make English the official national language?
  37. Should women wear less-revealing clothing in order to curb men’s catcalling?
  38. Do prisoners deserve the right to vote?
  39. Should there be a legal curfew for minors?
  40. Can online dating replace meeting a person in real life?
  41. Does social media create isolation?
  42. Should welfare recipients be required to submit to drug tests?
  43. Should adoptive parents be given some form of maternity leave?
  44. Can video games be a useful learning tool?
  45. 14 Advertising and Media Argumentative Essay Topics

  46. Should sex be allowed to be portrayed on prime time television?
  47. Where should networks draw the line for violence on television?
  48. Should news shows talk about celebrities?
  49. Do journalists have a duty to eliminate as much bias as possible?
  50. Is it acceptable for companies to advertise in schools?
  51. In what situations should advertisements for alcohol and tobacco products be allowed?
  52. Should warnings and side effects be made more clear in advertisements?
  53. Is print advertising obsolete?
  54. Do TV shows and movies have the responsibility of being more diverse?
  55. Are public service announcements effective?
  56. Do photoshopped images affect self-image and self-esteem?
  57. Do reality shows, such as Teen Mom, glorify teen pregnancy?
  58. Does the media create unrealistic expectations of relationships and marriage?
  59. Does the media attempt to create hype to influence or scare the public?
  60. 14 Family Argumentative Essay Topics

  61. At what age should parents talk to their children about sex?
  62. Do children deserve/need an allowance?
  63. Is it okay for parents to monitor teens’ Internet use?
  64. Should parents be able to spank their children?
  65. Is it acceptable for women to breastfeed in public?
  66. Should parenting classes be compulsory?
  67. Should parents push their kids into extracurricular activities, such as music or sports?
  68. Are children’s rooms really theirs, or do the rooms “belong” to parents’?
  69. Should single people be able to adopt children as easily as couples?
  70. Should same-sex couples be allowed to adopt children as easily as heterosexual couples?
  71. Which parenting style is most effective?
  72. Should parents pay children for good grades?
  73. How does helicopter parenting harm (or help) kids?
  74. At what age should children be allowed to have a cellphone?
  75. 希望以上的70 Argumentative Essay Topics帮您写出漂亮的议论文(Argumentative Essay)打下基础,如果您已经写完了这篇论文但是有些瑕疵,您可以选择我们的润色修改服务我们的专家会帮助您把文章美化到完美,有最短3小时的服务哦。

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