Controversial Debate Topics 资源分享
辩论可能是学生最害怕的学术活动之一。 在正常情况下,表达你的观点似乎很容易,但当谈到辩论时,你可能会突然发现无话可说,无力反驳。 事实论据更容易证明,但更难取胜——为什么? 这是因为你面对的对手与你针锋相对,旗鼓相当,而最可怕的是你永远不知道什么会让你大吃一惊。 你的事实可能很有说服力,但你的对手本可以准备更多的事实来反驳和反驳你的主张。 常规的辩论话题已经够难了,更不用说有争议的话题了。 如果您被分配了一个有争议的辩论话题,请查看有关各种问题的最有争议的辩论话题的不同列表,然后选择您最喜欢的话题。
即使您已经选择了最有争议的辩论话题之一,但如果您让焦虑消耗您的信心,您就会遇到麻烦。 你对辩论的恐惧会阻碍你表现得很好; 它甚至可能导致您忘记论证中的要点。 那么,如何防止这种情况发生呢? 以下是一些被证明有效的提示:
- 在公开演讲时通过与您熟悉的人练习基本的演讲练习来建立情绪舒适的基础。
- 当您适应后,将您的环境更改为与您的辩论场地类似的房间,并与您的合作伙伴一起练习。
- 不要给自己太大压力。 请记住,您有事实支持您的论点。
Controversial Topics for Debate
Sex and Gender
- Is gender equality possible?
- Is it possible to achieve LGBTQ+ rights that are generally accepted?
- Sexual violence, exploitation, and domestic abuse: Are men to blame?
- Men have more suicidal tendencies than women
- Should women be entitled to have sole decision in requesting an abortion?
- Men are more aggressive than women
- Toys should be gender neutral (for instance, toy cars can played by both boys and girls).
- Prostitution should be legalized
- Women empowerment is just a myth in developing countries
- Housewives and mothers should be paid for maintaining the household
- Are women better communicators?
- Does sex affect one’s political career?
- Should same-sex marriage be legalized?
- Does legalization of gay marriage affect straight marriage?
- Are men the weaker sex?
- Single sex schools should be abolished
- Movies objectifying women should be censored
- Men are often victims of false accusations
- Gender orientation should be taught to kids as early as possible
- Do women use intuition rather than logic?
- Should vaccination be encouraged?
- Herbal medicine is better than seeking traditional medicine
- Pasteurized milk is better than raw milk
- Should contraceptives be introduced to young adults as early as possible?
- Should abortion be legalized?
- Unconventional forms of medicine should be part of national healthcare
- Should companies guarantee sick leaves for mental health care?
- Medical malpractice should be gravely penalized
- Should euthanasia be legal or illegal?
- Should drug addicts be treated as patients?
- Should a doctor be able to provide medical care to a minor even without parental consent?
- Should medical marijuana be legalized?
- There should be limits to medical tests on humans
- It should be illegal to use animals to test drugs
- Could a person be denied of organ transplant for leading an unhealthy lifestyle?
- Should organs acquired illegally be rejected for transplant?
- Should there be health regulations for fast food chains?
- Should teens have access to birth control pills?
- Are poverty and poor health correlated?
- Could doctors be allowed to promote certain medical products?
- Why a total draconian lockdown is a horrible idea in a fight with Coronavirus COVID19
- Cellphones can take control of personal relationships
- Social media is changing romantic relationships and family relationships
- Is cyberbullying being taken seriously enough?
- Android or iOS: Which is more efficient?
- People were more attentive when there were no gadgets
- Technology is responsible for the destruction of nature
- Is human productivity regressing because of artificial intelligence?
- Should kids be prohibited to access social media?
- Should cyber-stalking be penalized?
- Technology isolates humans from each other
- Life today is shaped by media
- Should video games that show violence be banned?
- Should parents supervise their children’s social media accounts?
- Is globalization influenced by mass media?
- Technology in education: A blessing or a curse?
- Does technology affect people’s psychological state?
- Technology causes the increase in unemployment rate
- The spread of fake news is responsible for the increasing gap between the government and the people
- Should human genetic engineering be allowed?
- Increased digital surveillance (personal and public) will lead to morality crisis
- Online courses: Beneficial or cause of discrimination in workplace?
- Do exams need to be replaced with a more efficient assessment system?
- Is 8:00 A.M. too early for students to enter school?
- Should students be obliged to participate in physical activities?
- Should same-sex education be taught in schools?
- The diminishing significance of homework and why it must be banned
- Sex education should be mandatory
- Does the current educational system teach students the skills they need to succeed in life?
- Home economics must be taken more seriously
- Should protests by students be banned or encouraged?
- Should music classes be mandatory?
- Should students be allowed to take the classes they are only interested with?
- Do home-schooled students have more advantages than regular students?
- Should religion be taught in school?
- Does wearing a school uniform have an impact on studying?
- The amount of time students spend in school must be reduced
- Should students have nap periods in school?
- Children with learning disabilities should be accepted in regular schools
- Is internal evaluation in college good or bad?
- Should drug test be mandatory in school admission?
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