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Conceptual Paper Example



“Using Video Games as Educational Tools to Help High School Students Write Better Essays”


Most high school students dread essay writing homework. Writing assignments often include reading thick books that authors have filled with blocks of text. They will need to do research and reading the blocks of texts can feel exhausting to most students. On the contrary, video games tend to hold a person’s attention longer than any other medium. Despite the debate over the advantages and disadvantages of video games, there have been games that people developed to teach nursing and business students practical skills. There also have been some games that are made using real-life history that teachers can use to teach a class. However, there is a lack of research regarding the correlation between video games and writing abilities. This study will help in understanding the capacity of games to inform students and how they can help in essay writing. The study will help educators create an effective lesson plan in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

Background Research

There have been studies that promote video games as effective educational tools for all education levels. However, there are still many aspects of video games and education that researchers have yet to analyze. The research of Utoyo, Arsa on video games as tools for education concludes that using video games provides an opportunity to improve education due to realistic simulations that only the medium can offer. (Widitiarsa, 2018). The researcher stated that the next step is to design educational video games to create the standards for effective educational games. However, this study does not mention video games as good teaching tools for writing essays or any type of written works.

There have also been reports of educators using video games to teach writing to students. Students were able to write game reviews, autobiographical pieces, and other writing works. The teacher used character images, famous video game quotes, and great writing lines to inspire students to think of essay topics (Jones, 2018). The students that are interested in games were able to freely discuss topics and ideas. They use articles from game journalists to back up their claims during open discussions. This report shows that some educators are already recognizing the ability of video games to act as a teaching tool for writing essays and other written works.


The researchers aim to achieve their objective of using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays by answering the following specific objectives:

  1. To analyze the influence of critical thinking in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

  2. To assess the influence of student’s writing skills in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

  3. To assess the influence of video game genres in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

Aim and Need for the Study

Most high school students often have difficulty with writing assignments. They dread the process of researching and writing down notes. Most students will carry this behavior up until college which can result in having difficulty writing their research papers and dissertation. Some teachers have already addressed this issue by using video game topics to help spark student interests. However, the researchers believe that targeted research is necessary to create an effective lesson plan in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

The researchers aim to analyze the influence of critical thinking in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays. The study will test how video games help in the development of critical thinking skills and how they can transfer to better essay writing. This will help educators understand how video games affect a student’s brain and thinking skills. The study also aims to assess the influence of student’s writing skills in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays. The study will take into account the existing writing skills of high school students and observe how video games can help improve the existing skills. This will provide teachers and researchers quantitative data on the extent of how video games can act as writing education tools. Lastly, the study aims to assess the influence of video game genres in using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays. The researchers will use different games from different genres to assess how the different genres affect high school student’s writing skills. This will help to understand what type of games teachers should use to help students write better essays.

Research Methodology

The researchers will use three different video games from the following genres: The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion from the Role-playing genre, The Sims 4 from the Simulation genre, and Firewatch from the Adventure genre to assess using video games as educational tools to help high school students write better essays.

The researchers will conduct the study on 400 WXY high school students out of a population of 600 high school students. The researchers will take note of the students’ most recent English subject grades. This is to gather data on how existing writing skills can affect using video games as educational tools to help high schools student write better essays. The researchers will divide the students into three groups corresponding to the three video game genres state above. The students will play the games for an hour for a three-week period. After each week, the students will take critical thinking exams that will measure their critical thinking skills.

The researcher will collect primary data from the activities and secondary data from related literature. The researcher will analyze the quantitative data using descriptive and inferential statistics. The quantitative data will be from the assessment of how the different genres influence video games as tools to help high school students write better essays. The researchers will triangulate the qualitative data and report comparisons between the gathered data and existing data.


Jones, Sarah. (2018, April 2018). Teaching Writing Through Video Games, Part I. Moving Writers. https://movingwriters.org/2018/04/18/teaching-writing-through-video-games-part-i/

Widitiarsa, Arsa (2018). Video Games as Tools for Education. https://zenodo.org/record/2669725#.YW2VqBxn0uU

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