Ecology Essay 写作金点子
在往期的英语论文写作中我们已经讲过非常多的Essay写作类型,其实生态学专业的留学生同学肯定也写过 Ecology Essay,这里我们分享给你一些论文写作的想法来抛砖引玉,希望能给您的写作提供帮助。
生态学(Ecology)是研究特定环境中生物体的相互作用和相互影响。 它通常在生物学(biology)的背景下教授,虽然一些高中也提供环境科学课程,其中包括生态学的主题。
Ecology Topics to Choose From
该领域的主题范围很广,因此您对主题的选择几乎是无穷无尽的! 下面的列表可以帮助您为研究论文(research paper)或论文生成自己的想法。
Research Topics
- How are new predators introduced into an area? Where has this happened in the United States?
- How is the ecosystem of your backyard different from the ecosystem of another person’s backyard ecosystem?
- How is a desert ecosystem different from a forest ecosystem?
- What is the history and impact of manure?
- How are different types of manure good or bad?
- How has the popularity of sushi impacted the earth?
- What trends in eating habits have impacted our environment?
- What hosts and parasites exist in your home?
- Pick five products from your refrigerator, including the packaging. How long would it take for the products to decay in the earth?
- How are trees affected by acid rain?
- How do you build an ecovillage?
- How clean is the air in your town?
- What is the soil from your yard made of?
- Why are coral reefs important?
- Explain the ecosystem of a cave. How could that system be disturbed?
- Explain how rotting wood impacts the earth and people.
- What ten things could you recycle in your home?
- How is recycled paper made?
- How much carbon dioxide is released into the air every day because of fuel consumption in cars? How could this be reduced?
- How much paper is thrown away in your town every day? How could we use paper that is thrown away?
- How could each family save water?
- How does discarded motor oil affect the environment?
- How can we increase the use of public transportation? How would that help the environment?
- Pick an endangered species. What could make it go extinct? What could save this species from extinction?
- What species have been discovered within the past year?
- How could the human race become extinct? Describe a scenario.
- How does a local factory affect the environment?
- How do ecosystems improve water quality?
Topics for Opinion Papers
关于将生态学和公共政策联系起来的主题存在很多争议。 如果您喜欢撰写具有观点的论文,请考虑其中一些:
- What impact is climate change having on our local ecology?
- Should the United States ban the use of plastics to protect delicate ecosystems?
- Should new laws be enacted to limit the use of energy produced by fossil fuels?
- How far should human beings go to protect ecologies where endangered species live?
- Is there ever a time when natural ecology should be sacrificed for human needs?
- Should scientists bring back an extinct animal? What animals would you bring back and why?
- If scientists brought back the saber-toothed tiger, how might it impact the environment?
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