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Personal Narrative Essay Example: A Random Act of Kindness
如前所述,个人叙事文章谈论的是一个人的经历。 它可以是关于一个人生活经历的积极和消极方面。 这篇文章的主要目的是叙述这段经历的细节,然后是它对你生活的影响。 写一篇好的个人叙事文章意味着要强调能让读者感兴趣的信息。 下面的文章示例就是这种情况,这是一个随机善举的故事。 撰写个人叙事文章时要考虑的另一件事是利用情感。 阅读下面的叙述,分析语言的选择。
It was a hot summer day. I just got home from an exam from school, and I was exhausted. My family was expecting me, however, as it was my grandmother’s birthday celebration. They were already at this local Chinese restaurant, waiting for me. With a sigh, I changed out of my school clothes and looked for something more appropriate. A nice button down shirt was too much for me, but I knew my grandmother would like it — I’ll look “smart”, as she called it.
I set out the front door, making sure to lock the door behind me. With my phone and camera tucked safely in my bag, I began my journey to the restaurant. It wasn’t too far, but it wasn’t anywhere near my home either. I decided that I would take the bus, as the heat was unbearable — wearing a button down shirt didn’t help at all. I walked down a few more blocks before reaching the bus stop. There, I found it completely empty, in which the introvert in me rejoiced at. Setting up my earphones, I took a seat and patiently waited for the bus. Thoughts wandered off from this morning’s test, down to the Chinese food I couldn’t wait to consume — hoping they ordered my favorite salt & pepper squid. Some boba tea would be nice, too, although I’m going to have to make a detour for that. As ABBA blasted away in my ears, the bus finally arrived. I greeted the driver, paid my fare, and went off to find a seat.
It was five minutes away from the second bus stop when there entered an old lady carrying two boxes. They looked very heavy, but strangers seated at the very front helped her with it. She was quite slow, and it took minutes before she could reach a seat, which happened to be right next to me. She smiled at me, asked if it was taken. I smiled back and said no, so she settled right in. I don’t quite remember her face now, but I remember thinking of my grandmother. Her boxes were placed beside her at the aisle, and I stared at them. She was all alone, and I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out how she was going to carry them again. The people on this bus were kind enough to help her, but what would happen when she’s out there again? Pausing my tunes, I mustered the courage to talk to her. She was a very nice lady, and we talked about where she was from. She was visiting friends at the home for the elderly, it turns out, and these boxes contained gifts she wanted to give out. “I don’t have much, dear, but I want to give as much as I can.” I almost teared up, as this lady, probably even older than my grandmother, went out of her way to get her friends little gifts. I guess friendship transcends age, and I could only wish that mine would blossom into something as beautiful as hers.
My stop was near, but I knew what I had to do. With a little nod to myself, I stayed seated. I was already late, but I knew they could wait a little longer. My job was now to help this kind old woman — the world could do with a little more of her, and I’d be happy to give this little gesture for her.
“Are you not getting off, dear?” She asked, peering at me. I shook my head and told her I’d accompany her to her destination. She insisted that it was alright, and that she’d be fine on her own, but I really wanted to do this. After three more stops, it was finally her turn. I grabbed the boxes and followed her out patiently. It was quite a walk to the home for the elderly, and the heat became quite unbearable, especially with these boxes. When we got there, though, I knew it was well worth it. She turned to me, gave me the warmest of smiles, and hugged me. I smiled back and walked back to the bus stop, feeling elated. It was the best I’d felt in years, I suppose.
My family’s probably not going to be happy with me, but if I told them I knew they’d understand. If anything, that kind old lady reminded me of my own grandma, and I hoped when the time came that she’d need help from a stranger, someone would be willing to go out of their way for her. Because that’s how kindness works, right? People think that the world is full of hatred and anger, but really, there’s plenty of kindness for everyone. Paying it forward, even with a random act of kindness, causes ripples, and maybe the world will one day remember. We are more than what we are now, and while there are monsters that lurk, kindness knows the way.
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