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Example of Point of View Essay
Example of a Point of View Essay: Do Sports Build Character?
It is known that within the proper environment (in regards to leadership and people), a sport provides not only a healthier life, but also the amazing opportunity for children to connect with teamwork, rules, and other social values such as respect, justice, responsibility, kindness, and tolerance. These social skills plus emotional self-control are the keys for future success in many other environments and relationships.
These notions come from the nineteenth century when the British government believed that sports could positively influence young people to become better leaders in their future adult lives. Nowadays, this positive influence has its own challenge due to competitive sports. It is a real challenge to analyze how much pressure, corruption, and competitive behavior are involved in these scenarios (LeBlanc, 1997).
The psychological benefits of playing sports are not an automatic consequence, or a direct effect of the game or activity. Any social skill has to be promoted intentionally (Austin, 2010) and using the self-example (as parents and coaches) to set up a mirror for the kid to imitate that behavior or attitude and introduce it within the game, and the circumstances in their lives outside.
The value of responsibility within sports develops discipline. It is with this discipline that athletes can achieve higher levels of performance and speed. Parents and coaches are responsible to promote this persistence in whichever actions and routines are required by the sport or activity that the young kid is performing. However, kids must have proper attention and cannot be pushed into an activity they don’t feel attracted to, even though testing or inviting is not going to damage the kid, for this should be limited and flexible.
Playing sports promotes a healthier life and helps to build character. Many social skills are developed by working within teams and following some rules with respect and tolerance. Parents and coaches are responsible to promote social values and a team spirit rather than adding pressure or competitive behavior.
1. LeBlanc, J. E. (1997). Straight talk about children and sport. Mosaic Press.
2. Austin, M. W. (June 24, 2010). Do sports really build character. Psychology Today.
Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/ethics-everyone/201006/do-sports-
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