【英文论文写作经验文章】如何写Annotated Bibliography?

如何写Annotated Bibliography?

Annotated Bibliography

什么是Annotated Bibliography?

在开始写作之前,我们要先弄清楚什么是Annotated Bibliography.中文可以翻译做“带注释的参考书目”或者“附说明的资料目录”。维基百科上面给的解释是“An annotated bibliography  is a bibliography that gives a summary of each of the entries.[1] The purpose of annotations is to provide the reader with a summary and an evaluation of each source. Each summary should be a concise exposition of the source’s central idea(s) and give the reader a general idea of the source’s content” 所以简单来说Annotated Bibliography包括书目以及对书目的解释说明。Annotation包括对整体工作的总结,对于source可信度的评价,以及讨论一下这些source是否对你的研究起作用。

为什么要写Annotated Bibliography?

1. It’s a course assignment. 如果你想在这门课上取得好成绩,你就得去做。光这一条就足够了吧。
2. An annotated bibliography helps you become a better researcher.
在准备Annotated Bibliography的过程中你需要总结概述这些source。这就意味着你需要花时间仔细阅读这些资料而不是只添加一个书目(Bibliography)进去。
3. An annotated bibliography saves you time.
如果你写一篇Research Paper 只需要3个source,那么你很容易记得每个source的内容,但是如果写一篇很长的研究论文需要至少10个source,那么要记得每个source的内容就很困难了。Annotated Bibliography的好处在于你在写Research Paper的时候可以直接拿来用,而不必再花时间去翻找资料,极大的节省了写作时间。


Do your research!
RESEARCH TIP: 从网上保存文档,做书签标记,或打印的资料,尽可能多的寻找source。
Read and take notes.

如何写一篇 Annotated Bibliography

你可以遵循这3个步骤来编写Annotated Bibliography:
Step 1: Cite your source in proper APA, MLA, or other required citation style
这个条目看起来就像你在常规作业中的Works Cited or Reference page的条目。条目甚至按作者的姓氏字母顺序排列,就像我们平时写作中的Works Cited or Reference page.。
APA format
Robertson, A. (2012). Why fairy tales are important. Psychology Today. (13)2, 210-222.
MLA format – 7th edition
Roberston, Ann. “Why Fairy Tales are Important.” Psychology Today.13.2 (2012): 210-222. Print.
MLA format – 8th edition
Roberston, Ann. “Why Fairy Tales Are Important.” Psychology Today, vol. 13, no. 2, 2012, pp. 210-222.
Step 2: Summarize the source
Here’s an example of what a summary of an article might look like.
Robertson’s article argues that fairy tales are important because they teach children moral tales of right and wrong and provide children an outlet for their emotions. Fairy tales also allow children to develop their imagination and critical thinking as they journey with characters to magical lands.
Step 3: Evaluate the source

  1. Is the author credible?
  2. What did I like or not like about the source?
  3. Are the arguments effective?
  4. Does the author support her arguments?
  5. What are the strengths and weaknesses?
  6. How might I incorporate this source into my paper?

Here’s an example of what your evaluation might look like.
Dr. Robertson is a well-known children’s psychologist who also has elementary education experience. Her articles are published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, and her work is considered credible.
The article will be an excellent source for my paper because it includes recent studies about children’s appreciation for fairy tales and features a detailed discussion of why fairy tales are beneficial to children. Robertson even includes interviews with children that I may be able to use in my introduction.

总结一下写Annotayed Bibliography只需要三个步骤“CSE”:引用(Cite),总结(Summary),评估(Evaluate)。

很多客户在ESSAYZHIDAO.COM下达Annotated Bibliography定制写作订单过程中会选错页数导致订单无法及时开始处理,比如:要求写作Annotated Bibliography,但是没有给出明确的topic,并且要求写作一个包含5-7个sources的Annotated Bibliography,但只下达了1页订单。

这种情况下,根据本文上面对Annotated Bibliography的介绍来看,1页(280-300words)基本是无法满足包含5-7个sources的Annotated Bibliography写作的。

在下达Annotated Bibliography定制写作订单时,需要注意的是:

  1. 给出明确的主题(topic),或者给出topic的范围;
  2. 明确使用的Style,比如:APA、MLA或者其他style;
  3. 下达正确、合理的订单页数(比如,包含5-7个sources的Annotated Bibliography,应至少下达2页订单,建议下达3页订单)。

一些有用的资源帮助你写Annotated Bibliography:Writing an Annotated Bibliography

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