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Media Hype Paper

John Stossel wrote two compelling articles, Worry About the Right Things and The Media Likes Scaring Us, about how American media focuses on writing stories that feed our Fear Industrial Complex and why we like it. It is not shocking that the news hand-picks stories that are rare but extreme. [1] The news today is focused more on entertaining to keep the public’s short attention to achieve their desired amount of views. Often these stories “hype” up a fear that is statistically improbable, but has had a few occurrences.

[2] An example of the media “hype” is when the Sandy Hook shooting happened. The media focused a lot on how Adam Lanza was an introverted video game player rather than the fact he did have psychological issues his parents failed to address. After this incident my own family took away some “violent” video games from my brothers because the news was trying to prove there is a correlation between violent video games and crime, even though studies show there is an insufficient amount of evidence to make that connection. Stossel was explaining in his article that people don’t think abstractly about probability and this is a prime example of that. *[3]

For example, Stossel brought up people’s unjustified fear for the bird flu, myself included. I was surprised that not a single person in America died of the bird flu while the common flu killed tens of thousands, yet the media was covering the influenza for months. The media depicted the bird flu could kill you at any second. I usually don’t keep up on my flu shots and that year I got my flu shot to ensure I wouldn’t die. Even though the regular flu is the more likely imminent threat, and my fear can be connected on how the media depicts the flu vs the less likely event of the bird flu. *[4]

Stossel also brings up the topic of plane crashes vs driving a car and how the media “hypes” people’s fear of flying, when driving is even more dangerous. I am a victim of being afraid to fly because of the media. It seems like every time I have to take a plane trip the news shows a horror story on how an engine explodes mid flight or a bomb threat was made. I visit my grandparents every year who live in Florida. After 9/11 happened I told my grandparents to cancel the plane tickets they had bought because I was too scared to go on the plane. Even though 9/11 was a great tragedy, and wasn’t necessarily hyped, seeing those images as a child scared me to even step foot on a plane. To this day, whenever the plane takes off or hits some turbulence I grab onto the sides of my chair and hold on. However, the biggest offender of having non factual based fears due to the media is my mom. *[5]

My mom did not grow up in the United States so whenever she hears the media’s “prophecy of doom” she believes it. Like Stossel’s friend Nader, my mom has irrational fears because of the media. For example, I am planning to study abroad next semester and my mom tells me it is dangerous or something like the Amanda Knox case could happen to me. Even after I tell her there are hundreds of thousands of kids that study abroad each year and return safely home. However, due to that individual case my mom feels like it is a potential danger that the judiciary system in another country will not be in my favor. *[6]

I was not very surprised by Stossel’s articles about how the media likes to expose us to improbable but exciting stories. However, I am a victim to not questioning the information given by the media. For example, up until I read the article I thought there really was a cancer epidemic. Moving forward, I hope to think critically and objectively about the information the media gives me. *[7]


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