50 Topics for Impromptu Student Speeches
对于那些因为在观众面前讲话的想法而大汗淋漓的人来说,谈论一个未知主题的前景几乎没有准备就可能是可怕的。 但你不必害怕即兴演讲。 事实证明,即使是袖手旁观的演讲也要做好准备。
Impromptu Speech Tips
使用此即兴演讲主题列表练习在脑海中制作快速演讲大纲。 对于下面的每个主题,只需考虑您想要做的三个要点。
当你确定了三个要点时,想想一个很好的结束语。 如果你以一个很好的结束,你真的会给你的观众留下深刻的印象。
Start Practicing With This List
My three favorite animals.
What you would find in my closet. Make something up.
What you’d find under my bed. A spider named Fred and his cousin who can’t find a job.
The best letter of the alphabet.
Why your mom/dad is special.
A day that stands out.
The best surprise ever.
I lost it!
If I had a million dollars to give away.
If cats/dogs ruled the world.
A trip to remember.
My favorite day of the year.
If I could only eat three foods forever.
If I could design a school.
Why books are important.
Three surprising facts about me.
How to impress your parents.
How to plan a party.
A job I’d love to have.
A day in my life.
If I could have dinner with anyone.
If I could travel through time.
My favorite book.
An important lesson I’ve learned.
What I’ve learned from cartoons.
The smartest cartoon character.
Three things I’d change if I ruled the world.
Why sports are important. I’m no good, so I’ll tell you how bad I am.
The worst chores at home.
Why I deserve an allowance.
If I were in charge of school lunches.
If I had invented school.
The best theme park rides.
Whom do you admire most?
What is your favorite animal?
How to achieve your dreams.
Why you need a baby brother.
How to annoy an older sister.
How to save money.
Three things that scare me.
Great things about snow days.
Things you can make out of snow.
How to spend a rainy day.
How to walk a dog.
Great things about the ocean.
Things I’ll never eat.
How to be a slacker.
Why I like my town.
The best parts of a parade.
Interesting things you see in the sky.
Things to remember when you’re camping.
An experience with a bully.
作为留学生是否会遇到很多日常作业写作的难题,可能是因为来不及写作,没关系的,不用担心,不管您需要 movie review,reaction paper,reflection essay,summary,article review,discussion,coursework,book report,history paper等等,还是经济学作业,人文专业,历史专业,管理学专业,人力资源专业等各种学科,我们的英语母语写作专家都会按照要求写出完美的答卷交给您,而且我们全年无休,7/24小时在线,完善售后,免费修改,让您绝对没有后顾之忧。