
过渡单词和短语可以帮助您的论文很流畅自然的表达出来,从一个主题顺利过度到下一个主题。 如果您在考虑连接段落的方法时遇到困难,请考虑这100个顶级过渡中的一些作为启发你的灵感。 您使用的过渡词或短语的类型取决于您需要的过渡类别,如下所述。
Additive Transitions
Edusson是一个为学生提供论文写作技巧和建议的网站,它可能是最常见的类型,附加转换是当你想要显示当前点是前一个点的补充时使用的那些。 换句话说,添加剂转换向读者发出信号,表示您正在添加一个想法和/或您的想法是相似的,Quizlet是一个在线教师和学生学习社区。 密歇根州立大学写作实验室编写了一些附加过渡词和短语的例子。 使用逗号跟踪每个过渡词或短语:
- Indeed
- In the first place
- And
- Or
- Too
- Nor
- Further
- Moreover
- Furthermore
- In fact
- Let alone
- Alternatively
- As well (as this)
- What is more
- In addition (to this)
- Actually
- Much less
- On the other hand
- Either (neither)
- As a matter of fact
- Besides (this)
- To say nothing of
- Additionally
- Not to mention (this)
- Not only (this) but also (that) as well
- In all honesty
- To tell the truth
Adversative Transitions
密歇根州立大学说,逆向过渡用于表示冲突,矛盾,让步和解雇。 例子包括:
- But
- However
- On the other hand
- In contrast
- While
- Whereas
- Conversely
- Even more
- Above all
- But even so
- Nevertheless
- Nonetheless
- Although
- Though
- However
- (And) still
- (And) yet
- Either way
- In either case
- (Or) at least
- Whichever happens
- Whatever happens
- In ether event
Causal Transitions
学术帮助说,原因转换 – 也称为因果转换 – 表明某些情况或事件是由其他因素引起的。 提供学术写作帮助的网站补充说:“它们(因果转换)使读者更容易遵循论文中所论述的论点和条款的逻辑。” 例子包括:
- Accordingly
- And so
- As a result
- Consequently
- For this reason
- Hence
- So
- Then
- Therefore
- Thus
- Granting (that)
- On the condition (that)
- In the event that
- As a result (of this)
- Because (of this)
- As a consequence
- Consequently
- In consequence
- So much (so) that
- For the purpose of
- With this intention
- With this in mind
- Under those circumstances
- That being the case
- Then
Sequential Transitions
- In the (first, second, third, etc.) place
- To begin with
- To start with
- Initially
- Secondly
- Next
- Subsequently
- Before
- Afterward
- After this
- To conclude with
- As a final point
- Last but not least
- To change the topic
- Incidentally
- By the way
- To get back to the point
- To resume
- Anyhow
- As was previously stated
- So
- In short
- Thus
- In sum
- Finally
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