University of Maryland | 马里兰大学
Managing Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
项目类别:组织行为学 | 人力资源
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其中,University of Maryland | 马里兰大学 是我们已提供代写服务(含作文批改)的众多院校之一,并为客户提供了 Managing Human Resources and Organizational Behavior 高质量的定制写作和指导服务,旗下专家写手可以快速、准确的完成 Managing Human Resources and Organizational Behavior 课程及其相关课程中所包含的各类写作任务。
课程(项目)简介:Managing Human Resources and Organizational Behavior
The field of Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management (OB/HR) deals with the behavior of individuals and groups within organizations, and investigates the enhancement of the effectiveness of an organization’s human capital in order to gain competitive advantage and achieve organizational goals. Example topics of OB study include personality/dispositions, emotion and affect, motivation, social concept and identity, decision making and cognition, justice and trust, organization and work attachment, leadership, groups and teams, and organizational culture and climate. Example topics in HR encompass job analysis, recruitment, selection, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, quality of work life, workforce diversity, and strategic human resource management. OB/HR Curriculum.
学校简介:University of Maryland | 马里兰大学
马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland, College Park,简称 UMD或UMCP),始建于1856年,坐落于美国马里兰州,是世界知名学府,美国著名公立研究型大学。