【专注Essay代写】Open University Referencing写作指北


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Open University Referencing写作指北

正如名称所示,本引文方式由Open University所使用。它是由Harvard referencing改编,并使用大部分相同的约定,但有一些风格上的差异。

Open University Referencing概述

Open University referencing中有两种类型的引文:in-text citations,可在作品主体中找到,包含完整书目信息的一小部分;reference lists,位于主体作品的末尾并列出作品中提到的所有来源的完整信息。




Direct: ‘”Chocolate has an infinite variety of uses” (Davis, 2013, p.8).’

Indirect: ‘As Davis (2013) notes, chocolate can be used in many different ways.’


1. Books

Citations for books with one or two authors:

Last name, first initial. (Year) Title, Edition (if not the first edition of the book), City of publication, Publisher.

For example:

Davis, B. (2013) A History of Chocolate, Nottingham, Delectable Publications.

Davis, B. (2013) A History of Chocolate, 3rd ed, Nottingham, Delectable Publications.

Jones, F. and Hughes, S. (2006) Eating Out: A Definitive Restaurant Handbook, Nottingham, Delectable Publications.

Citations for books with three or more authors:

如果一本书有三位或更多作者,则仅应在文本中列出第一位作者的姓名,后跟“et al.”,意思是“以及其他人”。但是,所有作者都应按照其在原始作品中的署名顺序列在参考文献列表中。

Last name, first initial., Last name, first initial., Last name, first initial., and Last name, first initial. (Year), Title, City of publication, Publisher.

For example:

James, P., Croft, D., Levin, S. and Doe, A. (1998), How to Succeed in the Restaurant Industry, Nottingham, Delectable Publications.

Citations for a chapter in an edited book:

在引用一本较大书籍中的单个章节时,务必确保添加该章节所跨越的页码范围 (pp.)。引用单个章节时,您还应该始终在引文中包含该书的版本(您不必对其他书籍执行此操作,除非它不是第一版)。

Last name, first initial. (Year) ‘Chapter title’, in Editor’s name/s (ed/s) Book Title, Edition, City of publication, Publisher, Page/s.

For example:

King, S. (2010) ‘The best wines and where to find them’, in Loftus, E. (ed.) Fine Wine: A Guide, 1st ed, Nottingham, Delectable Publications, pp. 28-46.

Citations for multiple books by the same author:


Last name, first initial. (Year). Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher.

For example:

Brown, G. (2011), Mexican Food, Nottingham, Delectable Publications.

Brown, G. (2014), Japanese Food, Nottingham, Delectable Publications.

Brown, G. (2015a), Chinese Food, Nottingham, Delectable Publications.

Brown, G. (2015b), Italian Food, Nottingham, Delectable Publications.




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