【Opinion Essay代写】免费资源:A Perception of My Generation’s Opinion on Voting

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A Perception of My Generation’s Opinion on Voting

“Why should I vote if my vote doesn’t matter? No one pays attention to young adults anyway; they only talk to the elderly.” This was said when I asked a friend if they were going to vote. This made me think about my generation’s voice when it comes to voting. She had a point, even in school we are overlooked when it comes to a certain issue/problem. People will believe an adult in their 30’s way before an 18 year old, and that is not right in my opinion. Young adults avoid voting because the political party is not engaging them, taking them seriously, and as a whole we are just not informed enough on the issues to vote. If each political party had speeches that were geared equally toward young people as it is geared toward the elderly then I believe that young people would vote and become more involved.

My generation is overlooked, ignored, and mocked for our opinions. In the story Different Experiences of Young Adults and Other Adults in Mediated Campaigns a girl by the name of Alexandra Trustman had an intellectual question to ask at the Democratic Presidential debate but the producer didn’t like it. He dumbed down her question and had her ask if the democrats running preferred Mac’s or PC’s. Many adults judged her superficial question; her voice was manipulated by the producer of CNN, and her character was mocked. This is one of many instances where a young person, who was interested in politics, was overlooked because of their age; this would have never happened if she was 50 or 60 years old. Many times in a candidate’s speech they address the problems with issues that affect middle aged people and up.

Another big reason young people don’t vote is simply because they aren’t informed, they don’t feel they should vote if they don’t completely understand the issues. I recall we did an activity with the three readings we were given in groups and my group specifically was wondering what would get the youth attention the most. One thing we noticed is that no one wanted to participate in neither polls that told who they were voting for nor online discussions about politics. When talking about this in class I learned that people don’t want to get judged or attacked for what they think or who they are voting for. A student said, “I would never start a political conversation with someone online, people sometimes like to force their viewpoint on you and make you feel stupid. They would rather make you feel bad instead of educating you on the issues.” Politics is one of few topics that can spark heated discussions and cause more problems than solutions. People don’t feel as if they should vote if they don’t fully understand the issues, it could end up causing more harm to the world than good. If young adults are going to vote they should thoroughly look into what they are voting for or who they are voting for, this will end up getting the world closer to the better world we strive to have.

In Political Peril: Why Millennials don’t Vote it says “Millennials are stuck in a cyclical blame game: They don’t vote because candidates don’t engage them, but candidates don’t engage them because they don’t vote.” I don’t agree with candidates not engaging us because we don’t vote; however, I do agree that there will never be as many young adults to vote as older adults but the number of young adults voting can increase drastically. A prime example of this is the McCain vs Obama 2008 debate. Obama’s main strategy was to make everyone know that their vote mattered and that their voices would be heard. He utilized social media such as Twitter and Facebook to get in contact It was recorded in the Political Peril that the demographic reached a 30 year high during this election with 44.3% of the young people voting compared to the on average 20-23% of young adults who vote any other time. After this election the numbers went back down which shows that the young people felt no longer engaged or needed. So how exactly do you get the vote back up to the 44.3% it was in 2008 or higher?

We first start off with what Obama did and utilize social media such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. We should ask young adults what issues concern them and what changes they would like to see in the future. We should ask them what they look for when deciding to pick a president (such as the characteristics they want someone who is running the country to have). We could use hashtags such as #futurepresident or #_____forpresident to make sure the candidate sees them and have someone take pictures/snapchats of him or her reading them to show that he or she is really concerned about the young people’s voice.


In a study called Digitally Savvy Citizenship it was shown that young adults looked for, read, and watched content online about politics. So possibly have political articles pop up in people’s newsfeed during the beginning of people deciding to run for president up until the president is chosen. Online articles, a section of the college newspaper that focus on politics, or even classes where you watch the debate and have discussions about it I feel will be very effective in catching people’s attention. One of the democratic debates was on TV and you could go to this one room in Alter Hall, I believe, and watched it, a lot of people came out to it and learned a lot. Not only do you learn who all is running you also learn where everyone stance is on issues or at least how they address certain questions. I attended and actually learned a lot about the intentions of our candidates, seeing their campaign commercials is one thing but actually hearing them talk is completely different. Your whole entire thought process of who you were going to vote for could change just based off of how the handle questions whether they directly answer them to the best of their ability or they avoid the question all together just talking around it. Overall I believe if these slight changes are made, slowly but surely we could make a huge difference in the world.

