Poem example
April 30, 1945
Twelve years of anguish, torture, millions killed, countless gassed
And scores of other victims, justice feared to have passed.
Evil, humorless man wanted the world to be his empire immortal,
Now takes his turn to create his own sad funeral.
Nineteen forty-four, enemy armies came ashore,
Defeat was imminent, it pierced your armor.
Your homeland ravaged, you and your men surrounded.
Allies to the West, in the East the Red you most dreaded.
Countless lives and dreams ended because of your twisted belief,
Now all the nations sigh collective relief.
The maniac who so desired to breed a master human race,
Pumps a bullet to his own head to save face.
Didn’t all humanity weep at all of your unspeakable atrocity?
Now the world desires to see your dead body, your very own fatality.
You brainwashed weak minds, betrayed hearts and instilled hate,
Before taking your own life, still you wished for heaven’s gate.
The world rejoices about your death,
Learns a bitter lesson it will not forget.
Uncertainty looms from all this bloodstained rubble,
Humanity still won and didn’t completely crumble.
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