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Sample Problem Solution Essay
How to Protect the Vaquita Porpoises
The Vaquita Porpoise is a species of porpoise endemic in Mexico’s Gulf of California. The species is one of the world’s rarest marine mammals. As of writing, the “World Wildlife Foundation” (WWF) estimates that there around ten individual vaquita porpoises remaining in the wild. The culprit for the vaquita porpoises’ population decline is the illegal fishing activities on the coast of Mexico. The illegal fishermen hunt for the totoaba fishes, which are also endangered and endemic on the coast of Mexico. The vaquita’s population decline is merely collateral from the illegal gillnet fishing for totoaba fishes. The vaquitas are accidentally caught inside the gillnets and eventually drown since they are mammals and need to breathe air. If the issue regarding the vaquita porpoises is left unchecked, the remaining ten vaquitas may not live to see the end of the year. The world will lose another species due to the greed of men.
The first step to protect the vaquita porpoises is the strict regulation and active response against gillnet fishing. The government has already made gillnet fishing an illegal activity, however, illegal fishermen are still fishing for totoaba fish using gillnets. The government should make an active response against these illegal fishermen. They should assign enforcers that will regularly patrol the area where the vaquita porpoise lives. They can ask assistance from coast guards to help in patrolling the area. This action will also help in catching illegal fishermen who are using gillnets for totoaba fishing. This solution will require the joint forces of the local government and law enforcers to help protect the remain ten vaquita porpoises.
Another method to protect the vaquita porpoises is by carefully catching the remaining porpoises and keep them in a secure and comfortable location where they can breed without any external threats. For this method to work, experts should study how the vaquitas may respond to a change in environment. If their studies suggest that the method can work and vaquitas will be able to breed, their population can increase and provide a second chance for the species. However, since there are only ten vaquitas, experts may need to perform outbreeding methods to avoid incestual relations among the species. Outbreeding will require the vaquitas to mate with other species of porpoises. This will result in crossbred species but will be necessary for the preservation of the vaquitas.
Concerned individuals can also sign petitions in favor of the protection of the vaquitas. An organization like the “Center for Biological Diversity” has created petitions to recognize the habitat of the vaquitas as a ‘World Heritage in Danger.” If the petition succeeds in persuading the “United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization” (UNESCO), Mexico will receive more funding to help protect the vaquita porpoises. Other petitions include the banning of seafood that fishermen caught using gillnets. This helps solve the root of the issue, which is illegal gillnet fishing.
Protecting the vaquitas should be a priority for the government of Mexico and the world. The ten remaining vaquita porpoises will only be able to survive with the help of humans. Creating regulations and laws to combat gillnet fishing will be necessary to protect the habitat of the creatures. Biologists and other experts should help in studying and finding ways on how to increase the population of the species. Individuals who do not have the means to help physically can stand behind petitions that support the protection and welfare of the vaquita porpoises. The vaquitas suffered from the consequences of man’s actions and it is our responsibility to help make things right.
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