York University | 加拿大约克大学
SOCI 1010 Introduction to Sociology
项目类别:社会学 | 社会学基础
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课程(项目)简介:SOCI 1010 Introduction to Sociology
This course introduces students to the discipline of sociology and the study of society. The concept of society itself is an abstraction and yet, it is very real in the way it impacts human individuals and their daily lives. The objective of this course is to introduce students to sociological concepts, theories and methods with application to social issues. The primary focus will be upon social inequality and capitalism as an economic mode of production. Some of the topics to be covered in the course include: family, gender, aging, culture, ethnicity, politics, collective behaviour and globalization. Throughout the term, our goal is to provide students with fresh ways of looking at social life giving them the tools required for evaluating people, groups, social situations and social institutions.
学校简介:York University | 加拿大约克大学
加拿大约克大学(York University)位于加拿大第一大城市多伦多北郊,是全加拿大综合规模第三大的大学。 大学建立于1959 年,当时的约克大学被视作多伦多大学的分校只有76名学生,如今校园宽阔,共占地635 公顷,面积之大可以用“一望无际”来形容。学校设施全面,设有10个学院,24个研究中心,其学生数量超过5万人,教职员工也接近5000 人。 一直以来约克大学以工商管理、法律、艺术设计、计算机科学、社会科学等专业而闻名。其附属的舒立克商学院(Schulich School of Business)的高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)在伦敦《金融时报》排名中名列全加拿大第1名。在加拿大《麦克林》杂志2015年的大学排行榜上,约克大学位居综合类大学第8名。