15个Empowering Essay on Women话题分享


“You held me down, but I got up
Get ready ’cause I’ve had enough”
—“Roar” by Katy Perry

Find out what it means to me
R-E-S-P-E-C-T / Take care, TCB”
—“Respect” by Aretha Franklin

“I am woman, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an’ pretend
‘Cause I’ve heard it all before
And I’ve been down there on the floor
No one’s ever gonna keep me down again”
—”I Am Woman” by Helen Reddy

Empowering Essay代写

一首引人入胜的曲调和令人敬畏的歌词带回了授权的信息,但你如何在academic essay中捕获同样激烈的信息? 你如何撰写一篇关于女性的赋权论文,而不会让人觉得枯燥乏味,而且不会重读百科全书版本的传记?

15 Fierce Topics for an Empowering Essay on Women

首先让我说,接触一篇关于女性的文章的一种方法是从历史中挑选一名随机的女性并开始写作。 你可以研究所有有关她的知识,或者关注她成就的一个关键方面。
这里有15个主题的想法,让你开始一篇关于女性的权力论文。 (我也链接了一些示例文章,所以一定要检查它们以获得额外的灵感。)

Compare and contrast essay topics

比较和对比文章要求您确定主题之间的相似性和/或差异,例如比较Taylor Swift和Ariana Grande。

但是写一篇比较和对比文章并不仅仅意味着你会列出比较点。 你需要有一个集中的焦点,将你的比较联系在一起。
#1: Leadership styles of women vs. leadership styles of men
#2: Compare women’s roles in society through various time periods
#3: Compare Olympic or professional female athletes
#4: Compare directing styles of two female film directors
#5: Compare and contrast female literary characters

Reflective essay topics

反思性文章的目的是考虑一个人,事件或经历如何影响你。 我们的目标不是简单地讲述你在叙事文章中的故事,而是要检查情况并解释某人或某事件如何影响你。
#6: Reflect on one singular, yet simple moment with your mom
#7: Reflect on the influence of a female celebrity
#8: Explain how one chance meeting with a woman affected you
#9: Write about a teacher who inspired you
#10: Reflect on your own awesome self

Argumentative/persuasive essay topics

议论文和有说服力的论文都有相同的目标:说服观众。 虽然有说服力的文章可能允许您以第一人称的观点写作并使用个人示例来支持您的主张,但论证文章更可能要求您使用来自消息来源的证据来支持您的主张。
#11: Female heroines as role models
#12: Girls run the world
#13: Female empowerment through fashion
#14: The influence of women’s suffrage
#15: Religion’s influence on female empowerment

Hear Me Roar

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