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Abstract Example


前言:知道如何为研究论文写摘要对任何学生来说都是必不可少的。 这是论文报告的第一部分,读者可以在这里了解研究。 它是使学习变得有趣和有趣的一个组成部分。 虽然只有300字左右的一段话,但如果写得不好,可能会让一个学生过分。 请务必遵循有关如何撰写优秀摘要以提高论文质量的提示。 这是一个抽象的例子,学生可以作为参考:

  The research aimed to assess the effects of subliminal advertising on consumer behavior relative to visual stimuli, accelerated speech, embedded images, and suggestiveness that will serve as a basis for effective promotional strategies. As marketing students, the researchers aimed to understand and learn more about subliminal advertising as a way of influencing consumers and how to implement it to aid in a marketing campaign. The study focused on the four distinct methods of subliminal communication which are visual stimuli, accelerated speech, embedded images, and suggestiveness. A researcher-made questionnaire where respondents rated the persuasiveness of marketing materials was the main instrument in gathering necessary data for the study. The researchers distributed the questionnaires to Trinity University of Asia students. The findings suggested that the respondents’ assessment of subliminal advertising on consumer behavior in terms of visual stimuli was persuasive. The respondent’s assessment of subliminal advertising on consumer behavior in terms of accelerated speech was persuasive. The researchers recommended that the use of visual stimuli, accelerated speech, embedded images, and suggestiveness should be noticeable so that consumers do not overlook the subliminal message.

上面提交的是一篇Abstract Example,有时候由于一些不可控制的原因导致没有时间去写论文了。不用担心Essayzhidao学术写作服务可以提供帮助。我们的专业作家写手来自各行各业,我们的经验丰富,可为您提供全方位的定制论文服务。我们可以为您提供Essay,学期论文(term paper),还有研究论文(research paper)! 如果您需要我们的帮助,请在这里与我们联系!


