2020年最热门的History Research Topics分享第一篇


2020年最热门的History Research Topics分享




尽管这样做有点过分简单,但简要列出最佳历史研究主题作为指南是您历史研究的一个良好起点。 如果您正在努力寻找历史研究论文的主题,请不要慌张-我们列出了历史研究论文的主题列表,以供大学生帮助。

在列出最佳历史研究主题列表之前,先进行简单的分类:按区域划分主题,按主题划分主题。 尽管这些不一定捕获全部历史记录,但是从此开始将对您有很大帮助。 也请放心,每个小组下面都有一些有趣的历史研究主题供您解决。

By Region

您可以通过浏览世界上的特定区域来开始搜索历史研究主题。 每个国家和大陆都充满了进行历史讨论的可能性。 为了列出最佳历史研究主题,我们列出了特别有趣的主题,这些主题很容易在您的论文中进行研究和讨论,每个主题都分组到特定区域。

Best World History Topics

历史是一个高度复杂的网络,每个要素之间有着千丝万缕的联系,以至于您无法孤立历史中的一个事件,而希望自己能够充分地做到这一点。 因此,最好的历史研究主题清单要至少包含一些震撼全世界的重大事件的简短清单。

  1. What were the factors that led to the 2008 economic crisis?
  2. What was the earliest recorded civilization in history?
  3. When did the last ice age take place?
  4. Which primitive tribes still persist today?
  5. Has there ever been a worldwide golden age?
  6. What was the use of the Rosetta Stone created?
  7. How did the early Europeans and early Asians first interact with each other?
  8. What was the impact of the Code of Hammurabi in today’s current notion of legislation?
  9. How did early business and trade work?
  10. What were the earliest forms of historical documentation and how did they evolve throughout the ages?

Best US History Topics

美利坚合众国被视为“全球超级大国”,是世界上许多历史事件的最前沿。 从内政到外国干预,事实证明,美国在历史上占有举足轻重的地位,并且在任何最佳历史研究主题列表中都应享有显着地位。

  1. Why did Lee Harvey Oswald assassinate former US President John F. Kennedy?
  2. What were Abraham Lincoln’s contributions as President to American society?
  3. Who were the figureheads of the abolitionist movement in the 19th century?
  4. How was the Declaration of Independence approved?
  5. What were Christopher Columbus’ observations when he first landed in the Americas?
  6. How did the Amistad Slave Rebellion contribute to the abolitionist movement?
  7. Why was the Ku Klux Klan created?
  8. How did North America divide into 50 states?
  9. What happened to the Native Americans when the first colonizers arrived?
  10. What were Martin Luther King Jr.’s contributions toward the abolition of modern-day racism?

Best European History Topics


  1. How did the bubonic plague cause millions of deaths in the 14th century?
  2. What were the reasons behind the Crusades?
  3. What was the impact of Ferdinand Magellan’s journey across the world?
  4. How did the Atlantic slave trade operate?
  5. How did the European countries colonize nearly all of Africa in the early 19th to 20th century?
  6. How did the Holy Roman Empire become one of the largest empires in the world?
  7. What led Martin Luther to write his “95 Reasons”?
  8. What were the factors that caused the French Revolution?
  9. What led to the Fall of Rome?
  10. What was the impact of Leonardo da Vinci’s works on Europe as a whole?

Best Asian History Topics

东半球拥有自己丰富的历史事件,这要归功于其国家之间千差万别的文化多样性,更重要的是,其最终在世界范围内的影响力。 要列出最好的历史研究主题,是要包括亚洲历史,因为它可以作为有趣的历史论文主题的途径,供大学生阅读和写作。

  1. What was China’s last dynasty and how did it transition to becoming the Republic of China?
  2. How was Thailand the only Asian country that was never colonized?
  3. In World War II, Which countries were aligned with the Axis powers? Allied powers?
  4. How did China’s three classical moral systems (Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism) evolve throughout the centuries?
  5. How did Korea become divided into North Korea and South Korea?
  6. What did Japan do to recover from their devastating loss in World War II?
  7. How did Genghis Khan’s Mongolian Empire grow to become one of the biggest in the world?
  8. How did Mahatma Gandhi help liberate India from England?
  9. What were the factors that led to China and India becoming the two most populated countries in the world?
  10. What led to Singapore becoming an economic superpower?

下一篇文章我们将分享2020年最热门的History Research Topics 【By subject】的部分,敬请关注。


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