2020年最热门的History Research Topics分享第二篇

2020年最热门的History Research Topics分享第二篇

By subject

搜索最佳历史研究主题的另一种有效方法是按主题。 历史上取得了许多进步,例如,您总是会发现一些与文化和政治有关的话题。 此外,这些还可以帮助您更好地了解今天的事物是如何从它们最初出现时的状态发展而来的。

Best Topics on Culture

模因,病毒视频,行话-许多文化趋势正在转瞬即逝。 但是,在整个过程中仍会保留一些内容。 这些通常是企图对社会产生影响的文化运动,主要是因为反复出现的不公正现象,但有时是因为其他议程。 它们存在的当前事实,以及不断变化的文化氛围,值得关注,并在最佳历史研究主题列表中占据一席之地。

  1. Where did LGBTQ+ pride first begin in the United States?
  2. Has the Fat Acceptance Movement maintained relevance over the years?
  3. What is the “fourth wave” of Feminism?
  4. How did “Black Lives Matter” start garnering relevance?
  5. Why was the notion of “meninism” conceived?
  6. How did Nazism persist through “Neo-nazism”?
  7. How did “baby boomers” affect the cultural landscape for the succeeding generations?
  8. Is “All Lives Matter” a legitimate movement?
  9. When did “millennials” start predominantly setting trends for mainstream culture?
  10. Did Islamophobia originate from America?

Best Topics on Media

当前的社会规范影响着人们对现实的理解。 媒体通过广泛传播来实施这样的规范:报纸,电视新闻报道,在线新闻等等。 它的工作方式在于它如何传播所称现象的信息,无论是在追求客观性还是在议程上。 因此,媒体是社会的强大力量,也是对最佳历史研究主题清单的重要补充。

  1. What was the impact of Facebook on journalism since its creation in 2004?
  2. Did the advent of the Internet supersede the purpose of newspapers?
  3. Andrew Wakefield is responsible for the currently on-going anti-vaccination sentiments across the world. How did his controversial experiment gain that much attention?
  4. How did online shopping sites such as Amazon and eBay affect consumer culture?
  5. What was the first TV news channel in the United States?
  6. When was the most recent national emergency broadcast in America?
  7. How did journalists cover World War I and World War II?
  8. How was the popularity of newspapers influenced by the advent of TV news?
  9. What were the earliest instances of “fake news” that caused long-term effects?
  10. When did US journalism become politically charged for the first time?

Best Topics on Technology

当前主流文化的基石之一是技术创新。 在过去的几十年中发生了如此多的突破,这使我们想知道它们都是如何实现的。 因此,最佳历史研究主题列表将涉及技术领域及其随着时间的发展。

  1. The upcoming Tesla Cybertruck is receiving mixed responses for its design. How has general car aesthetic evolved over the decades?
  2. Ever since the release of the first iteration of the iPhone, how did Apple revolutionize mobile technology across the world?
  3. How did wireless technology become commercially available?
  4. Was the “space race” a prominent stepping stone for the progression of space travel?
  5. What job opportunities did the rise of Internet technology create and, likewise, destroy?
  6. What was the impact of the invention of trains in travelling and the transportation of goods?
  7. Did the invention of automated machines affect job opportunities in the factory industry?
  8. How did the current mobile phone technology develop from Alexander Graham Bell’s original telephone design?
  9. When was solar power invented and how widely was it used back then?
  10. What was the first water-powered machine?

Best Topics on History and War

德国哲学家康德(Immanuel Kant)曾说过,冲突是“历史的引擎”。他的意思是,战争是导致社会进步的原因,而竞争是随着时间的推移使我们变得更好的原因。 的确,战争确实会带来变化,无论是好是坏。 无论如何,战争中的主题都应该成为最佳历史研究主题列表的一部分。

  1. Why did the Spanish-American War in 1898 happen?
  2. What were the factors that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis?
  3. Why did the US drop Fat Man and Little Boy on Japan?
  4. How was Soviet Russia a threat to Nazi Germany in World War II?
  5. Why did America join the Vietnam War?
  6. How did the countries align themselves as “Axis” and “Allied” in World War II?
  7. Would the Cuban Missile Crisis have caused another world war?
  8. Was the United States’ “war on terror” in Afghanistan justified?
  9. How did Nazi Germany lose in World War II?
  10. How did the Korean War end?

Best Topics on Politics

正如公民的运动一样具有影响力(通常甚至更重要),是管理他们并追求“善”的政治机构。历史表明,政治一直是进步和冲突的推动力,进一步的检查牵涉到定义 过去杰出的政治人物无数定义的“善”。 除了许多其他问题外,仅此一项就使政治在最佳历史研究主题列表中应有的地位。

  1. The controversial Article 13, proposed by the European Union, is said to risk the openness and fair use that are fostered in the Internet. What other law proposals similarly risked the same notions?
  2. In which countries did Karl Marx’s ideology of communism start?
  3. Who was the first non-white head of state in a Western country?
  4. Was the assassination of former al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden legal?
  5. What was the impact of the Jim Crow laws on worldwide legislation?
  6. What did Abraham Lincoln advocate that led him to be one of the most revered political figures in history?
  7. How did Adolf Hitler spread his Nazi ideology across Germany?
  8. What were the earliest instances of Martial Law being enacted?
  9. How did United Nations address the numerous world issues that sprung throughout the decades since the conception of the organization?
  10. How did the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton cases affect the notion of legislation?

Best Topics on Environment

明显的趋势:随着世纪的流逝,人类技术急剧改善,人口密度呈指数增长。 环境也受到了极大的影响,并且呈指数级增长,而且情况往往更糟。

  1. How did forest density develop over the centuries?
  2. Did the invention of plastic mark the beginning of pollution?
  3. Why were paper products (paper bags, paper cups, etc.) created?
  4. How was recycling popularized?
  5. What was the impact of the most severe oil spill ever recorded?
  6. Many speculations were made surrounding the Amazon Fire, with some saying it was politically charged. What past similar events shared the same speculations or were confirmed to be politically charged?
  7. How did Al Gore attempt to spread awareness about climate change?
  8. What were the early factors that caused the thinning of the ozone layer?
  9. When did the usage of fossil fuels peak?
  10. What is the earliest record carbon footprint?


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