biology research paper topics分享2021

biology research paper topics分享2021


由于其性质,学生发现很难为生物学研究论文选择主题。 它涵盖了各种生物,目前的研究突破极大地拓宽了这个已经很庞大的学科。 在这个领域写你自己的论文,以及选择有趣的研究论文主题的过程,完全取决于你的专业领域和兴趣。 这篇文章讨论了选择正确主题的过程,以及您可能感兴趣的主题列表。 如果您想知道在哪里寻找生物学研究论文的好主题,请继续阅读。

Biology Research Paper如何选择topic?

为一项研究找到好的主题可能具有挑战性,根据所讨论的内容,找到一个能够创建高质量生物学研究论文的好主题甚至更加困难。 你的生物学主题必须有趣、有吸引力,更重要的是,与学术界和世界都相关。 你的研究论文应该处理硬数据、最近的发现和有争议的问题。 如果您仍然感到迷茫,以下是您在为研究论文寻找最佳生物学主题时需要考虑的一些核心原则:

记住总是选择你感兴趣的东西。 写任何你根本不关心的东西会很困难,写一篇关于它的研究论文会更痛苦。

  • 选好后,分析题目。 弄清楚主题是广泛的还是狭窄的——一个广泛的主题不会提供有助于你构建论文的具体信息和细节。 一个狭窄的主题将为您提供写作所需的一切。
  • 通过研究,需要避免一般性话题。 彻底研究该主题,并确保有可以从中检索信息的来源。 即使你的话题很狭窄,如果没有现成的材料,也无法写出来。

生物学作为一门学科,永无止境。 一直需要处理最近的调查结果和有争议的问题。 请记住,一个伟大的话题是科学论证的基础,这对科学界很有价值。 它必须引发进一步的讨论并引导未来的研究。

biology research paper topics分享2021

与任何论文一样,选择研究主题是一件非常重要的事情。 一旦你找到了正确的话题,你写得好和成功的机会就会大大增加。 从各种来源和专家那里收集到的,以下是您的生物学研究论文需要考虑的最佳主题:


Immune System

1. Human Immune System and Its Resistance Capacity

2. Functions of Immune System Agents

3. Diseases Caused by Immune System Malfunction

4. Stress And Its Effects on Immunity

5. Tolerance And Autoimmunity

6. Asthma And Other Allergic Reactions

7. Immunotherapy on the Human Body

8. Immunology And Transplantation

9. The Prevention of Graft Rejection

10. Vaccination And Its Benefits

11. Society’s Perspective on Vaccination

Plant Pathology Biology Research Topics

12. Natural Disease Resistance in Plants

13. Plant Pathology: The Prevention Measures

14. Plant-Associated Microbes and Current Genomic Tools: An Extensive Research

15. Literature Review on Microbial Ecology and Evolution

16. Plant Diseases Management by Modern Technology

17. Genetics And Plant Evolution

18. Weedy And Invasive Plants

19. Aspects And Functions of Photosynthesis

Behavior and Hormones

20. The Significance of Certain Hormones And Its Effects on Human Bodily Functions

21. Cell Structure And Antibiotic Resistance

22. How Hormones Influence Human Mind and Behavior

23. How Hormones Become A Factor to Depression

24. Female Anatomy: Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy

25. The Biological Basis of Psychological Disorders

26. Bipolar Disorder And the Biology Behind It

27. Cortisol and Testosterone Influence Risk-Taking

28. Current Developments on Oxytocin Science

29. Oxytocin and the Fear Reaction

30. The Lasting Effects of Endocrine-Related Diseases

31. Hormonal Control of the Reproductive System

32. Influences of Hormonal Therapy

33. Endocrinology and Metabolism

34. Psychopathic Disorders: Are They Hormone-Specific?

35. The Use of Melatonin in Therapy

36. Steroid Hormones’ Path to Cells

37. How Cardio Exercise Influences Hormones

38. The Use of Oxytocin In Treating Psychopathic Disorders

39. Women’s Mental Health: The Role of Hormones

40. Gender Specifics And Mental Health

Abortion, Human cloning, Genetic Researches

41. Abortion Law And Society’s View of it in the U.S.

42. The Relation Of Abortion To Feminism

43. Abortion: Biological Insights

44. Possibilities on Human Cloning & Transplantation

45. Different Types of Cloning

46. DNA Structure, Genetic Disorders, and Modern Technology

47. Human Cloning Science: History and Development

48. The Moral Intricacies of Human Cloning

49. Can Cloning Change Medicine?

50. DNA-modified Organisms: Origins and Development

51. DNA Modifications and its Effects on Humans

52. Can DNA Change Truly Beat Aging?

53. Obesity and its Genetic Grounds

54. Homosexuality: Is It Genetically Based?

55. Addictive Substances And Its Effect On Genes

56. Genes and Depression

57. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Transgenic Crops

58. What Causes Genetic Mutations?

59. Is Donor’s Consent Needed for Organ Donation?

60. Moral Codes Behind Transplantation

61. How Public Opinion Holds Back the Scientific Progress


62. Animal Growth and The Factors To Consider

63. Home Pets and Obesity

64. Modern Home Pets And Traditional Dog Diet

65. Male Pregnancy Among Animals

66. Beauty Products Testing on Animals: Ethical?

67. A Study On Bird Behaviors

68. Animal Science And Food Sustainability

69. How Does Veganism Actually Influence Meat Production?

70. Projects On Wild Animals

71. Fashion Industry And Its Role On Animal Abuse

72. The Camouflage Mechanism in Sea Animals

73. Discovering Primate Language and Cognitive Function

Ecological Subjects

74. Ecological and Evolutionary Factors That Influence Animal Behavior

75. The Relationship Between Living Forms and Their Environment

76. The Effect of Human Behavior on Animal Forms in the USA

77. Ways Animals and Plants Adapt to Changing Environment

78. Animals and Developmental Mechanism of Resistance

79. Environmental Change: Involvement in the Diversity of Species

80. Is Global Warming Truly a Threat?

81. Fast Food Industry And Tropical Forest Extinction

82. Environmental Psychology And Its Effects On The Modern World

83. Wildlife Protection And Different Means

84. The Impacts of Rain Forest Extinction

85. Rare Species and The Need for Protection

86. The Problem of Extinction

87. Environment’s Pollution and Renewable Energy

88. Biodiversity and Climate Change

89. Types of Pollution in Modern World

90. What is the Importance of Sustainability in Biology?

91. Factors of Extinction of Species

92. The Benefits of Ecotourism

93. Is Extinction of Bees Real? What Are Its Impacts?

94. The Ocean Wildlife: How Oil Spill Affects It

95. The Factors and Benefits Surrounding Organic Farming

Neurobiology Research Topics

96. Visual Cortex And Models of Orientation

97. The Role of Neuroscience In Robotic Technology

98. What is Visual-Motor Coordination Actually Based On?

99. The Impact of Music on the Human Brain

100. Brain Injuries and Other Related Disorders

101. The Brain and Memory

102. Mysteries of Brain Self-Repair

103. Genetic Defects That Lead to Schizophrenia

104 Migraine: Factors And Causes

105. Correlation Between Gut Bacteria and Anxiety

106. Does Gut Bacteria Contribute to Depression?

107. Cognitive Neuroscience And Problem-Solving

108. Genes and Proteins Responsible for Neurons

History of Biology

109. The History and Development of Genetics

110. Darwin’s Theory and Its Significance to Biology

111. Discovering and Exploring Evolution Factors

112. How Does Archeology Impact Animal Biology?

113. The Discovery and Impact of Natural Selection Theory

114. The Effects of Whale Hunting

115. The Dead Branches of Evolution

116. The Famous Biologist: Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

117. Edward Jenner and the History of Vaccination

118. Rachel Carson’s Stand on Environmental Safety

119. How History and Biology are Combined According to Stephen Jay Gould’s Paleontology

Other Good Biology Research Paper Topics

120. Homosexuality Among Animals

121. Is Immortality Real? Real Creatures That Never Die Of Natural Causes

122. Microbial Factories: The Answers To Shortage Of Raw Metals?

123. Is The Domestication Of Wolves Possible?

124. Meningitis: An Illness And A Virus

125. Drug Addiction: What We Know And What We Don’t

126. Is Hypnosis Real: The Scientific Perspective

127. The Effect Of Pollution On People

128. Neurobiology: Human Memories

129. Cannabis For Medicinal Purposes And Its Legalization

130. Binge Drinking Of Alcohol And How It Damages The Human Body

131. Why The Ebola Virus Is Still An Enormous Threat

132. Health of The Planet and Its Relation to Species Extinction

133. Human Cloning and Organ Transplants

134. The Impact of Diabetes and Its Continuous Threat

135. Alternative Medicine and Traditional Medicine

136. The Unknown Future Impact of Steroids

137. Cell Studying For Cancer Cures

138. Space Travel: Its Possibilities and Challenges

139. DNA Testing

140. Metabolism and Physical Exercise

141. Neurobiological Explanation of Sleep

142. The Evolution of Infectious Diseases


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