Health Related Essay 写作灵感
无论生活中发生什么,我们每个人都会不时对健康这个话题感兴趣。 如果你是学习这门学科的学生,那么你必须经常面对这些topic,尤其是在写不同的英文作业时。EssayZhidao 将会帮助您打开思路,分享一些Health Essay Topics来抛砖引玉。
Analytical Public Health Essay Topics
不同国家人口的健康问题质量一直是世界各地科学家和政治家关注的焦点。这就是为什么与公共卫生相关的论文主题(public health related essay topics)在写作作业中如此受欢迎的原因。我们建议您从以下列表中选择其中之一。
- Analyze whether it is time to deliver integrated and people-centered services for HIV.
- Analyze how public health has changed over the past decade.
- Analyze strategies to support men’s health and well-being in Europe.
- Analyze a professional nursing organization.
- Analyze barriers to public health of Asian Americans.
- Analyze why public health is important.
- Analyze managing the patient experience: facing the tension between quality measures and patient satisfaction.
- Analyze infant mortality in the African American population.
- Analyze food safety and sanitation in Asian countries.
- Analyze the anti-smoking campaign in Texas from 1945-1990 and its influence on public health.
- Analyze public health laws in place in Saudi Arabia for religious pilgrims.
- Analyze how much salary/money impacts decision-making when it comes to choosing a career in the public health field. What are other factors leading to this decision?
Health Care Argumentative Essay Topics
您不必费力地思考要在论文中写 health care 的哪个方面。 以下关于 health care 的议论文主题可以帮助您。 只需选择最有趣的问题并以论文的形式写下答案。
- What are modern problems of US healthcare?
- What are the principles of work organization of medical personnel?
- What are forms and systems of remuneration, especially their use in health care?
- How to prevent the development of collective bargaining relations in health care institutions?
- What are the problems of the socio-economic and legal protection of medical workers in health care?
- Will increased access to genetic information lead society to more discrimination?
- What is the relation between depression and the pandemic?
- Are bottlenose dolphins aggressive because of urbanization?
- Why is pneumonia dangerous?
- How can studies of model organisms contribute to the understanding of human diseases?
- Should congress repeal current federal restrictions on the funding of human stem cell research?
- What are cultural differences in pain management and health promotion?
- What are the reasons of the lack of access to healthcare, specifically dental care, for rural communities in the US?
- What are contemporary issues teenagers face today?
- How can health care build a better you?
- Should America be a melting pot or salad bowl?
Research Paper Topics in Health Care
以下医疗保健政策论文主题 (health care policy paper topics) 列表包含很好的主题。 在您的研究论文中揭示所有主题都同样有趣。 通过进一步阅读找到最合适的。
- The organization of technological management in a medical institution.
- The quality of management in a medical institution and its assessment.
- The current state of health of the population of the USA.
- Regulation and control in the system of in-hospital management of a medical and preventive institution.
- Stimulating the work of medical personnel.
- Development of information technologies in a medical institution and their assessment.
- Entrepreneurship in healthcare.
- The current state of standardization in healthcare.
- Organizational relations in the management system of a medical and preventive institution.
- Motivation of the medical personnel of a medical and preventive institution.
- Medical personnel management.
- Organizational technologies for the activities of the head of a medical and preventive institution.
- The organization of medical care for employees of industrial enterprises.
- Practical uses of economic management methods in health care.
- The role of nursing staff in improving the quality of health care.
- Ways to solve the problem of optimizing medical and economic standards.
- Conducting and evaluating licensing of medical activities as a tool for improving the quality of medical care.
- The impact of religiosity and spirituality on the turnover intention among nurses who have provided care for COVID-19 patients in Jordan.
Overall Health Argumentative Essay Topics
如果您想写一篇与健康有关的议论文,但不知道该写什么,请查看这些议论文主题。 以下想法是寻找支持和反对论点的最佳主题。
- How the pandemic helped to better realize the right to health.
- Should parents be able to choose specific genetic traits/sex of their future children?
- Why is household food insecurity associated with binge-eating disorder and obesity?
- Why should the HPV vaccine be mandatory for high school students?
- Should the US impose a strict vegan diet for children from the ages of 2-13? And why or why not?
- How is plastic pollution affecting people’s health?
- How has the current COVID-19 pandemic influenced your decision to enter the nursing profession?
- Should all people receive the COVID vaccine or not?
- How has the patient care that you have provided influenced your career and your decision to continue your education?
- How do you see yourself contributing to the nursing profession?
- Does air pollution have an effect on COVID-19?
- Exercise is most beneficial when you exercise at the correct intensity. How can you determine if you are exercising at the right intensity?
- What is the impact of nutrition on the development of chronic pathology such as heart disease?
Health Care Reform Research Paper Topics
以下医疗改革研究论文主题 (health care reform research paper topics) 将适合需要撰写与健康和政治相关的论文的学生。 请记住,这些主题需要您进行深入研究。
- Health care reform and equity: promise, pitfalls, and prescriptions.
- The American Heart Association’s 2020 statement of principles for adequate, accessible, and affordable health care.
- Why do we need to reform US health care?
- Covid-19 and the need for health care reform.
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).
- Healthcare reform in China: universal health coverage.
- Healthcare policy is a defining issue for America.
- Trump administration sued over Georgia health plan.
- Biden moves to expand health coverage in the pandemic economy.
Mental Health Essay Topics
从这一系列心理健康议论文主题(mental health argumentative essay topics)中选择任何想法。 在此列表中,您会发现有趣的主题可供写作。
- What is the connection of homelessness and mental illness?
- Insufficient access to mental health services contributing to high suicide rates among veterans.
- What are the consequences of mental health problems during adolescence?
- Should patients get mental health support after recovery from COVID-19?
- Why is taking care of your psyche so important, and how can you do it?
- How can video games save people from depression?
- COVID and suicide in Japan. Why are there more victims among women?
- Women’s mental health: from hysteria to a gender-sensitive approach.
- Why is the topic of mental health still stigmatized in many countries?
- The role of determinants of health in promoting the realization of the right to mental health.
Health and Fitness Topics for Essay Writing
健身文化作为大众文化的一个方面,在很大程度上决定了一个人在工作、学校、家庭和交流中的行为。 不可否认健身与健康之间的联系。 如果你想写一篇关于这方面的论文,我们建议你看看以下关于健康和健身的论文主题。
- “Movement therapy”: can exercise replace drugs?
- What does children’s fitness consist of?
- For health, there is aerobics: jogging, swimming, and cycling. Barbells and dumbbells are for weightlifters, as they do not improve health. Is it true?
- Do endogenous or exogenous energy sources provide muscle hypertrophy? What factors influence this?
- How to build a sense of community in distance training?
- How does exercise affect the normal functioning of the immune system?
- How does long-distance running influence health?
- What is the effect of both interval and moderate prolonged exercise on the physiological performance of healthy people?
- Does exercise affect our sleep?
- Posture correction: is strength training needed?
- Benefits of exercising to lower blood pressure.
Environmental Health Problem Essay Topics
以下环境健康论文主题将帮助您成功撰写有关重要和相关问题的论文。 选择其中一个并进行彻底的研究,最终得到一篇高质量的论文。
- Why is access to an adequate amount of safe and nutritious food essential?
- Waste management: problems and solutions.
- The importance of establishing and promoting handwashing infrastructure today.
- Pandemic and the environment: the ecology of plastic.
- What environmental factors are harmful to human health?
- How can a new generation make great strides in the fight against pollution?
- What do Swedes do to maintain a good state of ecology in their country?
- By protecting nature, we are protecting health. Do you agree?
- Ways to reduce plastic waste at home.
- Modern problems of hygiene of water supply and protection of water bodies.
Health Insurance Essay Topics
医疗和健康保险学科旨在培养学生对强制性和自愿性健康保险和人寿保险的组织和筹资的各个方面的知识。 学生经常写关于这个主题的论文。 这就是为什么我们为您提供查看以下可以帮助您的健康保险论文主题的原因。
- The pros of health insurance, its role, and necessity in modern society.
- Which health insurance is best?
- Private health insurance for people with disabilities.
- What does corporate health insurance give, and why is it a must-have for the long-term?
- Is coronavirus insurance in demand? From an ethical point of view, do you not think that this is too opportunistic a product?
- There is a problem of mistrust in health insurers. Is it the fault of the insurance companies or the lack of, for example, financial literacy? How to solve it?
- Why has health insurance increased in recent years?
- The difference between health insurance in Austria and other countries.
- What are negative aspects of health insurance?
- The historical and theoretical foundation of health insurance.
Reproductive Health Essay Topics
生殖健康是在没有生殖系统疾病的情况下身体、精神和社会健康的状态,它涉及诸如支持生命各个阶段生育的系统等主题。 这个健康领域很有趣,可以学习,也可以写一篇文章。 这就是为什么我们为您提供查看以下生殖健康论文主题的原因。
- How to achieve universal access to sexual and reproductive health services?
- Why do almost all women of reproductive age need family planning services?
- Why is HIV the leading cause of death for women of reproductive age worldwide?
- Why are there many cases of early pregnancy in our time?
- The influence of nicotine and alcohol on the reproductive system.
- How does the prevention of unwanted pregnancy affect the condition of reproductive function?
- What is the best way to protect reproductive health during adolescence?
- Why do young people develop an irresponsible attitude towards their health, including reproductive heath?
- Why will the number of women of active reproductive age decline?
- What are key concepts of preventing reproductive health problems?
- Toxic menstrual products.
Preventive Health Essay Topics
每个想写一篇关于疾病预防的论文的人都会发现这些预防性健康论文主题很有帮助。 我们收集了有关该主题的最有趣的想法。
- Healthy lifestyle against coronavirus: advice for disease prevention.
- How should teachers conduct conversations with children about coronavirus infection (COVID-19)?
- The main methods of countering colds and viruses, the prevention of which is much more practical than further healing.
- The prevention and correction of vision disorders.
- What are the best ways to improve health, increase immunity, and prevent colds?
- The main ways to prevent overwork and overstrain.
- How to prevent the spread of HIV infection among adolescents?
- Are diet and exercise a good tool for weight loss and prevention of coronary artery disease?
- Explain how scientists track an epidemic or pandemic, what data they collect, and how public health officials prevent spreading of a disease.
- Education and lifestyle modifications for the pediatric population to reduce the prevalence of diabetes in African American children.
Easy Essay Topics About Fast Food and Health
在现代世界,快餐业是最发达和需求最大的行业之一。 然而,世界上仍然存在关于快餐对我们健康的影响的争论。 如果您想在该领域写作,我们建议您查看有关快餐和健康规范的议论文主题。
- Why is fast food so tasty and unhealthy?
- What is the main harm of fast food?
- What is the threat of regular fast food eating?
- Can you eat fast and healthy?
- Health and fast food: how to eat right during self-quarantine.
- The connection between fast food and obesity.
- Is it possible to eat healthy by eating fast food?
- How does eating fast foods affect our body?
- How to give up fast food?
- Why do so many people eat fast food, knowing about its dangers?
How to Deal With Essay Topics on Health Care
高中生的医疗保健论文主题多种多样,侧重于与身心健康相关的不同研究领域。 健康和医学论文主题包括护理和治疗、预防性医疗程序和诊断等主题。 对于许多学生来说,写一篇关于医疗保健的文章并不是一件容易的事,尤其是如果他们对这门学科没有太多知识的话。
健康与保健论文主题涉及与维护健康相关的所有问题,该领域的研究有助于学生发展必要的技能,以在社会、医疗保健和教育领域开展职业。 医疗保健对个人和整个社会都很重要。
教授要求学生撰写不同的健康教育论文主题也就不足为奇了。 论文作业帮助学生了解医疗保健的原则,探索研究领域,并评估其对各种利益相关者的价值。 当老师给学生布置关于医疗保健的论文时,他们要求他们写下以下主题:
- Paper topics on technology in health care
- Interesting topics about working and mental health
- Persuasive essay topics on teenage health
- Personal health essay topics
在撰写有关医疗保健的论文时,记住该主题很重要。 另外,请确保您有合适的写作主题。 例如,您可以就心理健康的探索性论文主题之一写一篇有趣的论文。
有时学生在论文写作方面会遇到一些问题,无论他们选择健康经济学论文主题、军事和健康论文主题还是智能手机和心理健康的议论文主题之一。 在这种情况下,EssayZhidao 可以为您提供在线论文定制写作。 只需在订单中提供您的要求,即可收到符合您期望的论文。
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