【留学作业代写】优秀 Music Review 例文赏析

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Sample Music Review


这种类型的论文可以是关于一首歌、整张专辑、乐队或音乐视频。 阅读操作方法文章和样本论文可以帮助个人知道从哪里开始。 以下是评论者在撰写论文时可以用作参考的示例文章:

Review of Ed Sheeran’s “Castle on the Hill” (2017)

The song “Castle on the Hill” is a part of Ed Sheeran’s album called “÷” (Divide). Ed Sheeran is an English singer and songwriter. He began to gain massive popularity in 2017 after releasing the album “÷” (Divide). “Castle on the Hill” is a folk/pop/rock song that perfectly expresses the feeling of nostalgia. It became a popular song that people played everywhere back in 2017. When someone enters malls and offices they would most likely hear a sound system playing the song. Street musicians and YouTubers sang various covers of “Castle in the Hill”. The song captured the hearts of everyone who were once children playing in the grass.

The pure sound of an acoustic guitar’s string, free from any electrical or synthetic influence, perfectly transports the listener to their early childhood. The first line of the song: “When I was six years old, I broke my leg” is a very relatable statement since almost anyone has experienced grazing their knees or falling down while playing. The rhythm and sound of the acoustic guitar also resonate with the feeling of visiting the countryside. It makes the listeners remember the times where they go on a family vacation and see the ocean of green fields as they look out from the window of their car.

Though Ed Sheeran’s guitar playing skills were great, it was his emotion-filled singing that made the song stand out from any other. During the chorus lines which imply a return to the countryside, one can hear the passionate cry of a man excited to go back to his home. During the parts of the song where he sings about the current lives of his childhood friends, one can hear and feel the concern he has for them. When he sings about their childhood experience of drinking alcohol and playing on the fields, he expresses the sound of nostalgia — of a man trying to relive his blissful youth. The title, “Castle on the Hill, ” may represent the infinite imagination of children. That while playing in the green fields of the countryside, children often imagine having castles and mansions. They imagine fighting monsters and dragons. They were young and the country’s green grass was their playground.

“Castle on the Hill” is a modern song that makes its listeners crave the joy and innocence of youth. Listening to the song will make a person think of their childhood and how carefree they were. The sound of the acoustic guitar also helps in imagining the feeling of being in the countryside. From its musical simplicity to the emotion-filled singing of Ed Sheeran, “Castle on the Hill” made its listeners remember the feeling of childhood and incited an urge to visit the countryside once again.

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