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Financial compensation policy for organ donors -a good move
The National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 specifically states “ it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human organ for valuable consideration for use in human transplantation if the transfer affects interstate commerce.” The act clearly states that the procurement of organs is prohibited; therefore, any financial compensation to donors is also illegal. Organ donation is voluntary and uncompensated for several reasons. If the financial compensation policies are implemented, this would essentially legalize the sale of organs, which would be assigned price tags. Healthy, but financially strapped individuals might sell their own organs to eliminate debt, thus removing any altruism from organ donation. These financial incentives to some extent might encourage criminal actions. Wealthy individuals in need of organ transplants might illegally purchase organs. Many people believe that financial compensation should be prohibited to effectively prevent crimes like organ trafficking and moral issues of exploitation of the poor and favoritism of the wealthy. While these are all understandable concerns, the lives that could be saved by a financial compensation policy for organ donors far outweigh any possible issues.
Organ transplantation is the best recognized method thus far to help patients extend their lives after being diagnosed with organ related failures such as kidney failure, cardiac failure, and pulmonary failure. If they were to receive transplants, these patients could live much like they did before their organs failed. However, there is a huge discrepancy between the number of organs needed and the number available. As of October 2013, the number of registered kidney patients reached nearly 100,000, but only 16,500 kidneys were available for transplant. In the year 2013, every day thirteen people on the waiting list died, and another seven were removed from the waiting list because they became too
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