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Persuasive Essay Topics 分享

Persuasive Essay有说服力的论文有点像争论论文 argument essays,但它们往往有点仁慈和温和。论证论文要求你讨论和攻击另一种观点,而有说服力的论文试图说服读者你有一个可信的论点。换句话说,你是一个倡导者,而不是一个对手。


  • 简介:这是你论文的开头段落。它包含用于吸引读者注意力的钩子,以及您将在下一节中解释的论文或论证。
  • 正文:这是你文章的核心,通常是三到五段。每个段落都考察了用于支持论文的一个主题或问题。
  • 结论:这是你论文的最后一段。在其中,您将总结身体的要点并将它们与您的论文联系起来。有说服力的论文经常将结论作为对观众的最后吸引力。
  • 学习如何撰写有说服力的文章是人们每天在商业,法律,媒体和娱乐等领域使用的基本技能。英语学生可以开始在任何技能水平上写一篇有说服力的文章。你肯定会从下面100篇有说服力的文章列表中找到一两个样本主题,按难易程度排序。

    1.Kids should get paid for good grades.
    2.Students should have less homework.
    3.Snow days are great for family time.
    4.Penmanship is important.
    5.Short hair is better than long hair.
    6.We should all grow our own vegetables.
    7.We need more holidays.
    8.Aliens probably exist.
    9.Gym class is more important than music class.
    10.Kids should be able to vote.
    11.Kids should get paid for extra activities like sports.
    12.School should take place in the evenings.
    13.Country life is better than city life.
    14.City life is better than country life.
    15.We can change the world.
    16.Skateboard helmets should be mandatory.
    17.We should provide food for the poor.
    18.Children should be paid for doing chores.
    19.We should populate the moon.
    20.Dogs make better pets than cats.

    在后期的博客中我们还会继续分享中等难度,以及更深度的Persuasive Essay Topics,如果你需要原创的essay写作,您可以直接在在线委托页面选购,有任何问题随时咨询。

