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Process Essay Example
Sample process essay 1:
Poaching Eggs
Poached eggs are one of the best ways to cook eggs. They are great for Eggs Benedict and many other sandwiches and salads. Poaching is a cooking method where the egg is submerged in boiling water. In this essay, we’ll discuss the traditional way to poach eggs, called deep poaching or the whirlpool method. Poaching eggs with this method will not take more than 5 minutes, and will change the way you eat eggs.
The Steps To Poaching Eggs
The deep poaching method, sometimes called the whirlpool method, is the traditional way to poach eggs. It is somewhat tricky and therefore, needs patience and practice. To deep poach your eggs, you will need a deep saucepan, a large spoon, a small spoon, water, eggs, and a slotted spoon for scooping out the egg after.
To start, fill the saucepan with at least 4 inches of water. Bring this to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. While waiting for the water to boil, crack an egg into a small bowl. This will make it easier to slide the egg into the water later on.
Once the water has reduced to a simmer, stir the water in a circular motion with the large spoon. When a whirlpool has formed, pour the egg into the center of the whirlpool. The whirlpool will keep the egg white from spreading. Let it cook for 3.5 to 5 minutes. A 3.5-minute cooking time results in runny yolks, while 4- to 5-minute cooking time results in firmer yolks. Adjust the time based on your preference. Take the egg out of the water with a slotted spoon. Let the water drip and serve.
Poached eggs have a thin layer of firm egg white enveloping a creamy yolk inside. This is a great alternative to fried eggs since it does not require oil, at the same time, it produces a more delicate egg than a boiled egg. Poached eggs are best served with Eggs Benedict, avocado toast, pasta, or even eaten on its own.
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