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Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example
Rhetorical Analysis: Jon Jorgenson’s “THE WALL: A Hopeless Situation”
Jon Jorgenson published “The Wall: A Hopeless Situation” in 2013 on his youtube channel. This was one of the years when youtube became a very popular website with 1 Billion users (“Youtube Reacher 1 Billion Users Milestone, ” 2013). The video argues that hardships are part of Christian life and individuals should embrace these situations. Jon Jorgenson provides a great sense of logos by citing biblical events that perfectly fit his argument and uses an effective sense of pathos at the end of the video through the use of dramatic music and a motivating tone.
In his video, Jon Jorgenson begins by describing the nature of the “Wall of Jericho” in the bible. Here, Jorgenson uses an informative tone to tell the story of Joshua. He describes the hopeless situation that the character is facing. He then compares this situation to real-life examples like sickness, addiction, and divorce. The use of the informative tone at the beginning of the video helps in setting out the main point of his argument. Jorgenson was able to successfully inform his audience of what the remainder of the video will be about.
He then proceeds with citing more biblical examples of hopeless situations like the case of Moses being trapped near the Red Sea, Lazarus being dead, and Jesus being crucified and buried in a tomb. Jorgenson cited 18 biblical examples during this part of the video. It is an effective use of logos since his argument includes the fact that most biblical stories were about individuals in hopeless situations. He also sped up his speech pattern while citing the examples, which only helps to make his statement more persuasive.
After citing the numerous examples, Jorgensen then transitions to a more passive tone of voice. He uses this tone while saying that those situations made the characters feel hopeless. After a brief pause, he then changes into a mild aggressive tone to tell the readers that the hopeless situation was not the end of the stories. Jorgen used an informative tone again to list how the situations concluded. As he goes further into the list, his informative tone slowly transitions into a motivating tone and the dramatic music volume rises with his voice. He uses this tone to provoke a sense of inspiration and hopefulness. The chemistry of the dramatic music and motivating tone provides an effective sense of pathos.
Jon Jorgenson’s effective rhetoric is a result of the effective use of logos through citing biblical examples and pathos through the use of dramatic music and motivating tone. The examples he provided were accurate biblical accounts that most Christians will see as factual evidence. His effective transitions between voice tones perfectly capture the emotion he is trying to convey. The combination of these two modes in conjunction with the visual medium provides an undeniably persuasive video that transcends the test of time.
Jorgenson, J. [Jon Jorgenson]. (2013, October 12). THE WALL: A Hopeless Situation [Video]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGuO6hzI8Ok
(2013, March 21). Youtube Reacher 1 Billion Users Milestone. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/id/100575883
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