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Reflection paper example



Reflection Paper on Netflix’s Daredevil and Punisher Rooftop Argument

During the argument, Daredevil said to Frank Castle, “The people you murdered deserved a second chance.” In which Frank quickly replied, “What? To kill again? To rape again? Is that what you want?” As a writer who loves creating stories, watching this scene made me think about certain fictional characters, such as Batman and Spiderman. Their authors wrote them as heroes, as people who defeat the bad guys and bring peace to those who felt the cold hands of injustice. However, Frank Castle’s reply made me realize that the heroes were not solving the problem, they were just delaying the rate of crimes that the villains would commit.

The scene began with the Marvel hero Daredevil waking up on top of a rooftop. Heavy steel chains were wrapped around him, disabling his movements. His face was bruised and specks of blood were visible on his lower jaw. He just lost a fight against the vigilante known as Frank Castle, or the Punisher. Frank notices that Daredevil has regained consciousness and proceeds to approach the tied-up hero. “I’m not a bad guy, red”, Frank said with conviction. “Wanna explain that to the orphans and the widows of the men you killed”, replied Daredevil as he leaned his back against the wall. As a writer, this scene made me realize that the henchmen in movies and other stories must have a family. Therefore, characters like the Punisher, Hulk, and even John Wick may have left hundreds of widows and orphans. This can even be applied to our real world, humanizing murderers and rapists. That under the monsters that commit heinous crimes were fathers and mothers who forfeit their freedom and left orphans on the streets.

Frank Castle was defending his philosophy of killing bad guys so they won’t be able to harm anyone again. Daredevil, on the other hand, believes in people. He thinks that everyone has a light inside of them, no matter how evil they may seem. If this was four or five years ago, I would have been at the side of Daredevil. I always believed that everybody deserves a second chance no matter their background. I believed that murderers and rapists may realize the errors of their ways. Prisoners may reflect on the harm they have done and become better men. However, recent years have taught me that there are people who are innately harmful to others. So while watching the scene, I was right behind Frank Castle’s argument that evil men deserve to die, no questions asked.

As a person who has the hobby of writing short stories, this reflected on my works. Before, I made heroes that forgive their enemies and refused to take a life, equipped with ideas often bordering on Buddhism. I would write about protagonists that use persuasion and kindness to battle evil. After watching this scene over and over again, I began to design my works on Frank Castle — a violent one-man army relentlessly slaughtering evil in his wake. As a writer, the scene made me think that my previous goody-two-shoes characters were not really heroes. They refused to take a life because they believe themselves to be righteous and above killing. However, the scene made me realize that the real heroes are the characters like Frank Castle, John Wick, and even Thanos from Marvel’s Avengers. They take the life—the most precious gift of all—from their enemies, staining their name and soul.

For me, the scene of Frank Castle and Daredevil arguing on the rooftop is one of the best philosophical debates in film history. The scene allowed me to think about certain ideas and philosophies that filmmakers and writers often disregard. The idea of the disposable henchmen having a family in the background and the idea that killing the villains is the only way to stop their evil acts. The scene helped me realize that the fictional heroes that I once liked were merely delaying the inevitable. If I want to write a compelling story that includes eradicating evil, I should create a flawed protagonist who is not doing righteous deeds for the sake of being a hero. Instead, they should be willing to do the dirty works.

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