The Merchant of Venice Topics分享
《威尼斯商人》是16世纪威廉·莎士比亚最具影响力的戏剧之一。 主题揭示了基于基督徒和犹太社区之间冲突的社会反犹太主义问题。 因此,还有许多其他同样尖锐的问题,例如孝顺父母、权宜婚姻、爱情、背叛和友谊。
由于该剧的受欢迎程度,学生们通常对“威尼斯商人”的选题过程感到不知所措。 同时,在下一个列表中,您会发现 45 个基于该剧的主题创意。
“The Merchant of Venice” Topics
- Why did Shakespeare use the stories from inmates at a women’s prison and interweave them into the play?
- The central Shylock-Antonio conflict in “The Merchant of Venice.”
- Why is “The Merchant of Venice” called a comedy?
- How does Shakespeare use figurative language to infer the personalities of characters?
- Is Shylock a villain or a hero taking revenge because of how he’s been treated?
- Does the film of Michael Radford depict the play’s original meaning intended by Shakespeare?
- My favorite character from Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice.”
- The main characters from “Othello” and “Merchant of Venice”: the differences and similarities between them.
- Has the court system of the 16th century outlived its usefulness? Discuss discretion in the court in “The Merchant of Venice.”
- George Eliot’s novel “Silas Marner” and Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice”: compare the views of relationships and money.
- Analyze the animal metaphors Shakespeare used in the play “The Merchant of Venice” and how they make the context broader and more significant.
- Analyze how Shakespeare depicted religion in “The Merchant of Venice” compared to “Richard III.”
- The dramatic purpose of “The Merchant of Venice.”
- The types of love described in “The Merchant of Venice”: the love between father and child, romantic love, and love of money. Which type is strongest?
- Whether the climax in “The Merchant of Venice” is determined by emotional or mathematical means with text integration.
“The Merchant of Venice” Persuasive Essay Topics
- The relevance of “The Merchant of Venice” in today’s society.
- Is there a connection between the red hats Jewish people of Venice need to wear and the stars that Nazis established for Jewish people to wear in the ghetto for recognition during WWII?
- “The Merchant of Venice” depicted Shylock’s conversion to Christianity as essentially forced. Was it his protest against religious discrimination?
- Is the economic role of women in “The Merchant of Venice” a detraction?
- Compare the historical figure and Shylock from “The Merchant of Venice.” Discuss how both figures play on each side of their own ambiguous reputations.
- Is Shylock the victim of an unfair justice system or an unrelenting individual that demands a pound of flesh when Antonio can’t repay his loan?
- Compare the key characters of Drummond and Shylock from “Inherit the Wind” and “The Merchant of Venice.”
- Are Antonio and Bassanio in “The Merchant of Venice” homosexual?
- How is “The Merchant of Venice” connected with Judith Butler’s Performative Acts and Gender Constitution article?
- Use “Comedy and Tragedy” by David L. Simpson of DePaul University and “The Comedy and Tragedy Pages” by Lisa Schnell of the University of Vermont to identify the genre of Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.”
- Bassanio’s reasoning breaks the typical gender performance for males.
- Gender roles in the play “The Merchant of Venice.”
- The play adaptation to the movie (2004) and two significant differences filmmakers made.
- Were the conflicts described in the play reflecting the rise or fall of Venetian society in the 16th century?
- Is the love of money in “The Merchant of Venice” considered as addiction?
“The Merchant of Venice” Essay Topics Portia
- Portia’s portrayal as an embodiment of feminism in the 16th century in Venice.
- How do you understand Portia’s quote: “The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven”?
- The connection between each suitor’s reasoning for the casket selection with quotes from Judith Butler’s “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution.”
- The role of the women in Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice.” How are they portrayed in relation to their male counterparts?
- How does Portia outshine the men in the play?
- How were Portia’s suitors represented? Why, considering the historical moment, did Shakespeare show Spaniard and Moore in such a negative side?
- Portia, Nerissa, and Jessica are all cross-dressed, but for different reasons. What are these reasons, and why?
- What is the role of Portia in the play? Is she a strong, independent, and intelligent woman?
- What’s the difference between the Jewish daughter Jessica and Christian daughter Portia?
- Portia compared with the Renaissance ideal of the woman.
- The comparison of the power of love and friendship between “The Merchant of Venice” and “The Winter’s Tale.” What does Portia appreciate most?
- Portia as the embodiment of fairness and justice in “The Merchant of Venice.”
- Rewrite the story of “The Merchant of Venice” from Portia’s point of view.
- The nature and effect of Portia’s ruling passions. Was she ruled by justice or evil motives?
- The effect of betrayal on Portia’s spirit. Did she forgive Bassanio?
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