Expository Essay写作意见
expository essay(英语说明文)是一种文章类型,要求学生调查一个想法,评估证据,阐述这个想法,并以清晰简洁的方式对该想法作出陈述。 一般来说,Expository Essay不需要大量的外部研究,但它们确实要求学生具有主题的背景知识。ESSAYZHIDAO提供各种类型的Essay代写服务,不管是Essay、Case study、Assignment、College Paper、Business Plan、Term Paper、Coursework还是高中作业我们都可以写,目前已经为加拿大、美国、英国、澳洲、新西兰以及新加坡等地留学生提供代写论文、润色修改,英汉互译以及turnitin抄袭检测服务。
Expository Essay通常以引起读者注意的句子开始:
- A question or inquiry statement to draw the reader in,
- A quote related to the topic,
- An amazing fact that is unique or special,
- A statistic or fact related to the topic (a number, percent, ratio),
- An anecdote that illustrates the topic.
Expository Essay的论点应该基于将在论文正文中呈现的事实信息。 论文应清晰简洁; 它通常出现在介绍性段落的末尾。
Expository Essay可能使用不同的文本结构来组织证据。 它可能会使用:
- A sequence that follows a timeline or order to give readers a chronological of events or a list of steps in a procedure,
- A comparison and contrast to show the similarities and differences between two or more people or things,
- A description to give the reader a mental picture,
- An example or illustration,
- An example of cause and effect or the relationship between an event or concept and the events or concept that follows.
一篇Expository Essay可能会整合多个文本结构。 例如,一个主体段落可以使用证据描述的文本结构,以下段落可以使用比较证据的文本结构。
Expository Essay的结论不仅仅是对论文的重述。 结论应该详细阐述或扩大论文,并给读者一些思考的东西。 结论回答了读者的问题,“那又怎么样?”
Student selected topics:
可以由学生选择说明文章主题作为查询。 说明文可能会征求意见。 以下几个提示是学生可以提出的查询示例:
- Popular films that feature superheroes cover a wide range of interests and themes, including history, human relationships, or social issues.
- One object from the twenty-first century to place in a time capsule (student choice or results of a poll) in order to help others understand our contemporary culture.
- Video games have changed dramatically since the 1980s for several reasons.
- Friendship plays an important role in personal development.
- Investment in education results in both personal and societal rewards.
- Loyalty is an important part of family culture.
- The Internet is the most important invention of all time.
- If I had the chance to talk to a famous person dead or alive, I would choose (student choice) n order to talk about (topic relevant to student choice).
- The news media shapes our society by influencing how people feel and act.
- Adversity is what helps us overcome our weaknesses.
- Creativity and originality are at the base of success.
- Objects around the home can define us.
- Do you agree or disagree with the saying, “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing”?
- Living in small towns can be very different from living in big cities.
- Participation in after-school extracurricular activities is often more memorable than sitting in class.
- My favorite book from childhood is (student choice) because (quality of book related to student choice).
- How is public education an important right?
- We can tell a lie with silence as well as with words.
- Is it better for a leader to be loved or to be feared?
- Describe your favorite place to reflect and think.
- Is learning a foreign language necessary in our global world?
- What is your plan in the event of a disaster?
- What is a serious public health concern that does not get enough funding?
- Are movie and/or TV rating systems effective or useful?
- Is it a good use of funds to build a space station on the moon or Mars?
Standardized test topics:
许多标准化考试要求学生撰写说明文。 有一种方法可以回答这些类型的提示,这些提示通常包含在问题中。
以下主题是佛罗里达州写作评估中使用的说明性提示。 为每个步骤提供了步骤。
Music essay topic
- Many people listen to music on as they travel, work and play.
- Think about the ways music affects you.
- Now explain how music affects your life.
Geography essay topic
- Many families move from one place to another.
- Think about the effects moving has upon teenagers.
- Now explain the effects moving from place to place has on teenagers.
Health essay topic
- For some people, TV and junk foods seem as addictive as drugs and alcohol because they may feel at loss without them.
- Think about the things you and your friends do almost every day that could be considered addictive.
- Now describe some of the things all teenagers seem to need on a daily basis.
Leadership essay topic
- Every country has heroes and heroines. They may be political, religious or military leaders, but they serve as moral leaders by whose examples we can follow in our quest to live lives of excellence.
- Think about someone you know who shows moral leadership.
- Now explain why this person should be regarded a moral leader.
Languages essay topic
- When studying a foreign language, students often become aware of differences in the ways people in various countries think about values, manners, and relationships.
- Think about some of the differences in ways people in (town or country) think and behave differently than here in (town or country).
- Now describe some of the differences in the ways people think and behave in (town or country)compared to the ways they think and behave in (town or country).
Math essay topic
- A friend has asked your advice about which math course would be most helpful in everyday life.
- Think about the times you have actually used mathematics you have learned in school in your daily life and decide which course had the most practical value.
- Now explain to your friend how a particular math course will be of practical assistance to him.
Science essay topic
- Your friend in Arizona just emailed you asking if he can visit you in South Florida to try out his new surfboard. You don’t want to hurt his feelings when you tell him that South Florida does not have big waves, so you decide to explain the reason.
- Think about what you have learned about wave action.
- Now explain why South Florida does not have high waves.
Social studies essay topic
- People communicate with a variety of signals such as facial expressions, voice inflection, body postures in addition to the words. Sometimes the messages being sent seem contradictory.
- Think about a time when someone seemed to be sending a contradictory message.
- Now explain how people can send conflicting messages.
ESSAYZHIDAO是专业的英文论文指导学术机构,不管是论文、Essay、Assignment、College Paper、Coursework、Lab Report还是高中作业我们都可以写,目前已经为加拿大、美国、英国、澳洲、新西兰以及新加坡等地留学生提供代写论文、代写作业以及论文修改指导服务。