Social Sciences Research Topics 资源分享(下篇)
- 经济学Economics——经济学侧重于社会的物流方面。 与经济学相关的社会科学研究主题往往侧重于企业、交易和国家福利。
- 语言学Linguistics——语言学旨在研究和探索语言。 它包括检查语言的历史、结构和习得。 人类已经开发出多种语言,拥有自己的方言和变体。 这使得语言学成为一个有趣的学科,因为它探索不同的文化和历史。
- 心理学Psychology——这个分支研究人脑及其行为。 它检查大脑如何从婴儿期发展到成年期。 它还试图研究可以影响人类行为的不同因素。 心理学是一门与医学相关的学科,旨在更好地了解人类的思想。
- 性别研究Gender Studies——性别研究试图分析性别与社会之间的关系。 它旨在探讨有关男性和女性在社会中的不同经历的问题。
Economics Topics
经济学是另一个分支,主要涉及商品和服务的生产、消费和分配的分析和描述。 对于热衷于这些过程如何影响本地和国际环境的大学生,请考虑以下社会科学论文主题:
An issue on attractiveness: do pretty people earn more?
Political parties and job growth
The good and bad impacts of globalization
A discussion of international treaties
The World and IMF: how does it work?
International trade agreements and trade protectionism
Mexican corn producers and NAFTA’s influence
The transition from fossil fuels to alternative energy: how do we manage?
The age of low-cost airlines and tourism evolution
Is relative economic power a function of the human race?
The possibility of resource depletion
Multinational corporation taxation
The discussion of worldwide corruption ideas
Global warming and its effects on the global economy
National debt and Third World Countries
Linguistic Social Sciences Topics
语言是我们人类生存的重要组成部分,因为它是许多社会互动和思想的主要成分。 有兴趣了解更多语言知识的学生可能会发现以下示例很有帮助:
Ultra-conserved words (mother) and our common linguistic ancestry
Linguistics, human migration, and cultural interaction
Indo-European languages and common origins
The similarities in grammar rules across European languages
Core vocabularies and human societies
English as the global language: impacts and issues
Slang terms from digitalization “email”, “smartphone”, “hobby” and effects on globalization
Why the erasure of linguistic identity in indigenous communities is harmful
Differences Between American Style and British Style: Origins
Psychology Topics
心理学是对思想和行为的研究,它特别涉及我们的思维过程以及人类如何相互联系。 这为社会科学论文写作提供了大量主题。 以下是心理学主题的示例列表:
The impacts of traffic in congested countries
Apple, iPhones, and our attention spans
Surviving on garden food in the contemporary world
The use of local currencies in foreign countries
Clothing and how it affects a teenager’s self-perception
The voting habits of senior citizens
The division between liberal and conservative
The impact of political messages from religious figures
How social media benefits education
Technology and fitness: teenage edition
Advertisement and self-image
Family traditions and superstitions
The birth of unusual names
Home punishment and its effects on school performance
The process of building friendship
Compare and contrast: girl sports team vs boy sports team
Benefits of snow days and family time
Lunchroom setting and mainstream media
The effects of bullying
Taking care of your mental health
Consumption of movie violence: does it affect behavior?
The effects of Facebook on communication
Would you change anything about your body?
The culture of procrastination and its roots in technology
The reasons why children lie to their parents
Projection and clothing: Am I judged based on what I wear?
Social class and a child’s self-esteem
The traps of a cult: how vulnerable are you?
Cults, cult leaders, and how it all works
Gender Studies
社会科学的另一个有趣主题是性别研究。 当今世界正在目睹消除性别分裂本质的趋势。 撰写关于性别研究的论文或研究对某些人来说可能是一项令人愉快的任务。 以下是撰写论文时要考虑的性别研究主题的一些很好的例子:
The matriarchal structure on society and ethnic groups
The possible fall of the patriarchy and its effects
Mass media as a powerful tool for championing gender equality in patriarchal societies
Women and the workplace: The Rights of Women
The evolution of family roles
Gender and stress resiliency in the workplace
Similarities and differences between male and female
Suicide attempts worldwide according to gender
Gender and happiness definitions
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