你最需要的Technology Research Paper Topics分享

The Best Technology Research Paper Topics

每年,技术都在不断进步。 设备变得更小,更智能,更快。 说实话,您的智能手机实际上包含的信息比那些将人送上月球的房间大小的计算机要多。 考虑到这种比较,您可以真正看到仅几十年间技术发展的程度。 如果我们回溯到1979年,那个时代的学生会担心节油汽车和绿色革命等进步,仅举几例,其中大多数现在已经解决。 但是,这些新解决方案带来了新问题。 汽油发动机的行驶速度更快,但引起了人们对全球变暖和污染影响的担忧。 在我们前进的同时,我们的问题也在前进-如今比以往任何时候都更需要技术研究。 如果您是希望在该领域做出贡献的学生之一,那么本帖子将探讨您可以为研究工作的一些最佳主题。 请仔细阅读,找出答案。

关于如何写research paper的一些小建议

  • 了解您的研究任务。您分配了什么样的研究论文?在继续之前,请仔细阅读作业单并仔细检查所有必要的信息。
  • 找到你的话题。查看下面列出的主题,以找到最适合您的主题。选择一个您感兴趣的主题是必不可少的,因为如果您不热衷于该主题,那么撰写研究论文可能会很费力。
  • 研究所选主题。一旦确定了主题,就可以对其进行研究。在互联网上,甚至在您的学校图书馆中,都可以找到研究文章。撰写出色的研究论文的关键是尽可能多地阅读,以支持您的主张和论点。
  • 勾勒轮廓。绘制好研究流程后,立即创建轮廓。这将使书写过程更易于管理和提高效率。首先介绍,然后是正文,最后是结论。
  • 确保您的消息来源可信。可以访问互联网,但请记住要注意虚假数据。如今,在网络空间上伪造一切都很容易,因此请确保评估您的来源。更好的是,改为坚持学术期刊和文章。
  • 不要忘记修改和校对您的论文。即使内容多汁,但如果存在语法错误和写作错误,也将被认为是差劲的论文。确保进行相应的校对。

Research Paper Topics on Technology 

Technology in General



  • Determine the long-term effects of living in a technologically advanced world – are these effects in the positive or negative?
  • How do children under the age of 12 grow up now compared to how college-age students did a decade back? How is it any different, and what does it imply?
  • What is currently the most important technological tool invented that holds promise in solving world problems?
  • Has social media helped solve or create problems around the world?
  • Do social media, mobile phones, and the Internet make the world bigger? Or do they make it smaller?
  • Are there any implications on the global economy brought about by globalization through technology?
  • Technology is rapidly changing that we use devices that come with frustrating glitches and problems – is there a solution to this?
  • Is there any parallelism to our social interactions with other and our interactions with machines?
  • Is it morally wrong to genetically engineer children?
  • Are there any new ways people can utilize technology to change the world?
  • Is digital learning slowly changing schools and the education system?
  • Should the Internet be censored?
  • Do digital tools truly instigate productivity?
  • What is the extent of damage brought about by the development of new technologies?
  • How will technology look like in 20 years?
  • Identity chips under skin: Should the world do it?
  • People in every country should be given to technological advances
  • How are human brains different from computers?
  • Is organic food better than genetically modified food?
  • Will genetically modified food technologies truly solve hunger issues?
  • Developments have discovered that sequence human genes can be used predict possible heath risks in the future: is this something everyone should be doing? What are the benefits and limitations of said testing?
  • Who has the right to information on genetic testing? Should healthcare companies and employers be given access to that information or should they remain confidential?
  • When and how should parents share genetic information with their children, if any?
  • Are auto driving cars the cars of the future? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
  • How will travelling be done in the future?
  • Should work from home finally be the norm, given the current status of Internet availability and information technologies?
  • How will computers advance in five years time?
  • Should employers have access to potential and current employees’ social media accounts?

Technology and How it Affects Health

作为人类,健康应该是我们的重中之重。 如果您对两种不同的事物如何共同作用以造福整个种族感兴趣,那么以下有关生物学的主题可能对您来说很完美:

  • What should be improved to make the process of organ donation a better experience in terms of speed and convenience?
  • When should a person be considered dead?  Should there be changes or clarifications in the current definition of “brain death”?
  • Should people be encouraged more to choose organ donation should the circumstances call for it?
  • Are there any methods developed to help solve the problem of shortage of donors?
  • Regenerating human limbs: will it be a reality in our lifetime?
  • What is the best way to rehabilitate people who have lost limbs?
  • Is it ethical to use animal tissues in people?
  • Are embryonic stem cells still necessary, given that technological innovations have the potential to make them obsolete?
  • Should more of funding grants given by the National Institute of Health go to practical research projects instead, as they produce direct medical help to individuals?
  • On a wartime crisis context, should medical costs of wounded soldiers be factored in the research and rehabilitation budget?
  • How do you solve the alarming problem of Type 2 diabetes in the United States?
  • What is the treatment for morbid obesity?
  • Bypass surgeries: Should they be used as a standard cure for type 2 diabetes?
  • Causes and solutions: The surge of diabetes in the United States?
  • How much of diabetes type 2 and obesity genetic and behavioural?
  • Should people suffering from obesity and diabetes be paying more for health care?

Technology and its Impact on Social Relationships

有兴趣进一步了解技术对社会关系的影响程度吗? 以下是一些要写的主题:

  • How has social media changed our relationships with other people?
  • The importance of monitoring and limiting our social media intake
  • Addiction to technology should be a global concern
  • How is social media negatively influencing the workplace?
  • Social media and its effect on families, friendship, and romance
  • Has social media damaged the current generation’s social skills?
  • How should people effectively manage their social media profiles?
  • Should there be more regulations made for social media privacy?

Computer Science and Robotics

技术的核心是创新和人工智能的枢纽。 如果这极大地激起了您的兴趣,请考虑以下主题:

  • Cloud computing: Where is the software and hardware borderline?
  • Should everything be moved into the cloud? What are the benefits and limitations?
  • Can reinforcement learning really teach robots to become more like human beings?
  • How can computer programmers be able to protect a device, especially with the rise of open-source?
  • Can big data and bioinformatics affect biology?
  • Machine learning: definition and importance
  • Which industry will machine learning leave the most impact?
  • Can virtualization trigger change in entertainment?
  • How can virtual reality contribute to education?
  • The advantages and disadvantages of virtual reality
  • What’s next for the Internet? Can it still be improved for the better?
  • The effects of misinformation in the internet age
  • What will humans do once computers take over our tasks?
  • Which of the computer languages will become most relevant in the future?
  • How are robots currently shaping the current state of healthcare?

Technology and Beyond




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