Vancouver Referencing写作指北
Vancouver referencin 通常用于 Biology 和 Medical Sciences。 它使用endnote system,在工作结束时带有索引的来源列表。 在文本中,上标(小)数字用于引用来源,每个来源都分配有一个数字,并在整个过程中使用该数字进行引用。
下面的指南详细介绍了如何以 Vancouver style 引用您的作品。
- Vancouver style 最广为人知的特点是每个来源都被分配了一个唯一的编号——这些编号是按顺序分配的或在文本中引用,因此引用的第一个来源是 (1),第二个来源是 (2),依此类推。 例如,引用多项研究的句子中间文本可能如下所示:
- ‘Recent research (2, 4-6, 10) shows that fast food prices are rising.’
- 你也可以引用作者的名字; 如果一部作品有多个作者,请使用“等”。
- ‘Jones et al. (5) showed that this trend is continuing’.
- 在Vancouver style中,参考列表是按数字顺序排列的,而不是按字母顺序排列的。 编号应该是出现在参考列表中的第一件事。
- 参考列表应该从第二行开始缩进。
1. 书籍Books
(Number) Last name, first initial. Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher; Year.
For example:
(5) Davis, B. A History of Chocolate. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2013.
(5) Davis, B. A History of Chocolate. 3rd ed. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2013.
如果一本书有两个或两个以上的作者,那么只有第一作者的名字应该在文本中列出,然后是“et al.”,意思是“和其他人”。 但是,所有作者都应该按照他们在原始作品中的归属顺序列在参考文献列表中。
(Number) Last name, first initial and Last name, first initial. Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher; Year.
For example:
(4) Jones, F. and Hughes, S. Eating Out: A Definitive Restaurant Handbook. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2006.
(5) Evans, D., McDonald, F. and Jackson, T. Getting the best service. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2008.
edited book某个章节的引用:
在引用较大书籍中的单个章节时,确保添加章节跨越的页面范围 (p.) 很重要。 在引用单个章节时,您还应该始终在引用中包含该书的版本(除非它不是第一版,否则您不必为其他书这样做)。
(Number) Last name, first initial. Chapter title. In: Editor’s name/s (ed/s) Book Title. Edition. City of publication: Publisher; Year. Page/s.
For example:
(6) King, S. The best wines and where to find them. In: Loftus, E. (ed.) Fine Wine: A Guide, 1st ed. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2010. p. 28-46.
在文本中,作者的文本通常可以按年份来区分。 它们应按出版时间顺序列出。 引用同一作者同一年发表的两部作品时,应在年份后直接标注“a”、“b”、“c”等。
(Number) Last name, first initial. (Year). Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher.
For example:
(1) Brown, G. Mexican Food. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2011.
(2) Brown, G. Japanese Food. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2014.
(3) Brown, G. Chinese Food. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2015a.
(4) Brown, G. Italian Food. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2015b.
2. 文章Articles
Print Journals引用:
(Number) Last name, First initial. Article Title. Journal name, Year;Volume(Issue), Page/s.
For example:
(10) Jenkins, O. Unusual Recipes and Cantonese Cuisine. Culinary Research, 1996;Volume 5(8), p. 47-59.
在线期刊文章的文本引用与引用印刷文章的方式保持不变。 然而,参考列表中的引用确实有一些差异。 在温哥华参考中,您应该尽可能提供您访问的来源的数字对象标识符 (DOI)。 如果没有可用的 DOI,您应该引用来源的 URL。
(Number) Last name, First initial. (Year). Article Title. Journal name, Volume (Issue), Page/s. Available from: URL or DOI. [Accessed: date].
For example:
(15) Jenkins, O. Unusual Recipes and Cantonese Cuisine. Culinary Research, 1996;Volume 5(8), pp. 47-59. Available at: [Accessed: 5 June 2016].
报纸(Newspaper)或杂志文章(Magazine Articles)的引用 – Print or Online:
报纸/杂志引文在网上找到时与期刊文章类似; 格式上也会出现相同的差异,如下例所示。
(Number) Last name, First initial. Article title. Newspaper name; Year. Page/s.
(Number) Last name, First initial. Article Title. Newspaper name; Year. Page/s. Retrieved from: Journal name/ URL if freely available.
For example:
(1) Bell, Y. Man with unusual tastes eats chalk for breakfast. The Weekly Herald; Year. p. 4.
(2) Lees, P. Freaky eaters. The Weekly Herald; 2015. p.21. Available at: [Accessed 21 June 2016].
3. Online sources
引用网站时,确定网站的作者身份很重要——如果网站上的文章不是报纸/杂志网站或在线期刊,则可能有个人作者; 如果不是,则该组织或网站名称将被视为作者。
(Number) Author/Source if no specific author. Title of web document/page. Available at: URL [Accessed date: Day/Month/Year].
For example:
(14) HealthTips. Superfoods and where to find them. Available at: [Accessed 20 June 2016].
email 的引用:
(Number) Sender’s last name, First initial. Email sent to: Recipient’s Name. Date.
For example:
(8) James, D. Email sent to: Jeremy Renton. 9th July 2016.
4. 图像/可视媒体 | Images/visual mediums
(Number) Full Title of Film/Video/DVD. Country of Origin: Film studio or maker; Year.
For example:
(4) The World’s Best Curries. U.K: Foodie Studios; 2013.
YouTube videos 的:
(Number) Username of contributor. Video Title [type of medium]. Available at: URL. [Accessed: Day/ Month/ Year].
For example:
(13) Yummydishes. Egg custard – simple recipe! [YouTube video]. Available at: [Accessed 13 June 2016].
Broadcasts 的引用:
(Number) Series title and episode name/number. Channel number: Broadcaster; Year.
For example:
(4) World Kitchen: Nigeria, episode 5. BBC 1: BBC; 2011.
Images/photographs 的引用– Print or Online:
(Number) Last name of artist/photographer, first initial. [Internet] Title of image. Available from: URL.
For example:
(5) Hewer, D. [Internet]. Women enjoying a cup of tea. Available from: http://foodieimages/hewerdcupoftea
(Number) Broadcaster/author’s name. Programme title [type of medium]. Series title. Year published. Available at: URL [Accessed date: Day/Month/Year].
For example:
(11) Yummydishes. Innovative Baking [Podcast]. Innovative Food. 2015. Available at: [Accessed: 17 April 2016].
5. 其它类型的引用
(Number) Author/editor’s last name, first initial. Full title of report. Organisation. Report number, Year.
For example:
(12) Lewis, D. A report on the sales of ‘2 Dine for £10’. Marks and Spencers. Report number: 123, 2015.
(Number) Last name of author, first initial. Title of dissertation [Level]. Official name of university; year.
For example:
(14) Neath, G. An examination of Mexican food in popular culture [Masters level]. Oxford Brookes University; 2008.
Acts of Parliament的引用:
(Number) Short title (key words capitalised) section/chapter number/s. Place of publication: Publisher; year.
For example:
(19) Food Act 1981 (c5). London: Official Publications; 1981.
Government/official publications的引用:
(Number) Government agency/Last name of author, first initial. Title of document. City of publication: publisher; Year Page(s) if relevant.
For example:
(3) UK Government. Nutrition and Young People. London: Government Publications; 2007 p. 7-20.
(Number) Last name of interviewer, first initial. Title/description of interview. Location: Year.
For example:
(11) Ferman, H. Discussing cooking. London: 2006.
(Number) Last name of author, first initial. Presentation/lecture title. Format presented at; Year; Location.
For example:
(16) Yates, R. The benefits of herbs. Presentation; 1998; Nottingham.
(Number) Performer/writer’s last name, first initial. Recording title. City published: music label; year.
For example:
(8) Luce, F. Delicious. Nottingham: Delectable Music; 2011.
(Number) Publisher. Full title of dictionary. Edition. Year. Place of publication: Publisher. Page/s.
For example:
(4) Wordy. Wordy’s modern dictionary. 4th Ed. Nottingham: Delectable Publications; 2007. P. 25.
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