OSCOLA Referencing写作指北
OSCOLA 引用,有时也称为Oxford referencing,是一种主要用于与法律相关的英国学术内容的引用风格。 可以引用案例和雕像等法律来源,以及书籍和期刊等次要来源。
OSCOLA Referencing 全文概览
OSCOLA 参考文献中需要两种类型的citations:
- 脚注|Footnotes
– 用于表示前面的文字或想法的权威。 页面底部将有一个上标数字,对应于相关权限。
- 参考书目|Bibliographies
– 位于作品的末尾,包括作品中使用的所有来源的分类列表。 参考书目的完整解释可以在本指南的末尾找到。
根据 OSCOLA 指南,应以一致、统一的方式引用每个权威。 不同类别的来源以不同的格式引用。 在给出例子之前,应该提到一些一般规则:
- 脚注应出现在文本中相关标点符号之后,除非为了清楚起见,有必要将其直接放在单词或短语之后
- 如果引用的短语/想法在括号内,脚注应在右括号之前
- 引用中的标点符号很少,例如,UKHL 而不是 U.K.H.L。
- 脚注应以句号结束
- 书名和案例名称要斜体
- 分号可用于分隔脚注中对两个不同来源的引用
- 超过三行的引用应该在缩进的段落中出现,不带引号
当引用与已经引用的相同的权威时,您可以简要地确定来源并在括号中提供交叉引用,引导读者找到相应脚注的编号。 在下面的示例中,引用用于第 4 个脚注,因此随后的引用将读者引导至该脚注。
Initial citation: John Roberts, Understanding the Law. (Oxford University Press 1990)
Subsequent citation: Roberts (n 4)
Initial citation: John Roberts, Understanding the Law. (Oxford University Press 1990)
Directly following, subsequent citation: ibid.
Footnotes 示例
‘Criminalising a broad range of marginally acceptable business conduct trivialises the criminal sanction and breeds contempt for it, at least among rational actors, which most white collar offenders are.23
23 Michael E Tigar, ‘It Does the Crime But Not the Time: Corporate Criminal Liability in Federal Law’ (1990) Am. J. Crim. L. 17,211
Bibliography 指南和示例
- 立法表
- 案例表
- 参考书目
Table of legislation
立法表应包括引用的所有条约、公约、立法和法定文书。 这些应按标题的第一个重要单词按字母顺序排列。 您可以选择按管辖区分开立法。
Table of cases
案例表应包括工作中引用的任何案例。 这些应按第一个重要单词的字母顺序列出。 您可以选择按管辖区分开案件。
参考书目应按字母顺序包括作品中引用的所有二手资料。 所有来源的参考书目中的引用将与脚注中的引用相同,除了作者姓名的格式略有不同。
Footnotes: First name, surname – John Smith
Bibliography: Second name, first name initial – Smith, J.
OSCOLA Reference 示例
Primary sources
UK Cases
当引用一个案例作为权威时,您必须提供案例的全名及其中立引用。 案例名称在正文和脚注中都应始终为斜体,但不在参考书目中。例如:
Nettleship v Weston [1971] 2 QB 691
Partridge v Crittenden [1968] 1 WLR 1204
如果你在文中确实说出了案件的全名,那么在脚注中只需要后续的信息。 对于上述示例,脚注将仅显示如下:
[1971] 2 QB 691 [1968] 1 WLR 1204
Partridge v Crittenden [1968] 1 WLR 1204 [1]-[37]
UK Legislation
Short title | Year
Sale of Goods Act 1979
Environmental Protection Act 1990
Sale of Goods Act 1979, s 3
Enviromental Protection Act 1990, schedule 2
UK Statutory Instruments
法定文书需要名称、年份和 SI 编号。例如:
Name | year | SI number
The Transfer of Tribunal Functions Order 2010, SI 2010/22
Education (Recognised Bodies) Order 1997, SI 1997/1
EU Cases 如下:
Case number | case name |[year]| report abbreviation | first page
Case 26/62 Van Gen den Loos v Nederlandse Administratie Der Belastingen [1963] ECR 1
Case 6/64 Costa v ENEL [1964] ECR 585
EU Legislation
Treaties and protocols如下:
<Legislation Title> | [year] | <OJ series> | <issue/first page
Consolidated Version of the Treaty on European Union [2008] OJ C115/13
Directives, regulations, decisions, recommendations and opinions
<Legislation type> | number | title | [year] | OJ L issue/first page
Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation
European Court of Human Rights cases
你可以引用官方的报告,也可以引用判决和决定的报告。 只要确保与您的方法一致。如下:
Ireland v UK App No 5310/71 (ECtHR, 25 January 1976)
Cases and legislation from other jurisdictions
West v Barnes 2 US 401 (1791
Kerryn Mitchell v The Queen [2015] NZCA 643
Secondary sources
Books with one author
Author, | title | (edition, | publisher, | year)
Robert Stewart, Land Law, (3rd edition, Oxford University Press, 2013)
James Mattey, Quantity Surveying, (2nd edition, Butterworths, 2012)
Books with two authors如下:
Author 1 and Author 2, | title | (edition, | publisher, | year)
Roger Sexton and Barbara Bogusz, Land Law, (Oxford University Press, 2010)
Books with three authors如下:
Author 1, Author 2 and Author 3 | title | (edition, | publisher, | year)
Stephen Mayson, Derek French and Christopher Ryan, Mayson, French & Ryan on Company Law (18th edition, Blackstone 2001)
Books with four or more authors如下:
Author 1 and others, | title | (edition, | publisher, | year)
Harry Root and others, Management and Ethics (5th edition, Blackwells, 2002)
Author, | ‘title’ | [year] | volume | journal name or abbreviation | first page of article
Matthew Gibson, ‘Getting their “act” together? Implementing statutory reform of offences against the person’ [2016] 9 Crim LR 597
Ian Dawson, ‘Corporate rescue by the upright rescuer – a trap for the unwary’ [2016] 29(6) Insolvency Intelligence 81
Hansard – House of Commons debates
HC Deb | date, | volume, | column
HC Deb 4 November 2004, vol 290, col 400
Hansard – House of Lords debates
HL Deb | date, | volume, | column
HL Deb 24 March 2001, vol 50, col 222
Public Bill committees
Title of bill followed by Deb | date, | column
Health Bill Deb 22 June 2002, cols 99
Websites and blogs
如果没有作者,请以标题开始引文。 如果没有发布日期,请提供您访问它的日期。
Author | ‘title’ | (Website, date) | <Website URL> | accessed <date>
Marilyn Stowe, ‘Divorce petitions: then and now’ (Marilyn Stowe, August 1 2016) http://www.marilynstowe.co.uk/2016/08/01/divorce-petitions-then-and-now/ accessed 3 August 2016
‘Europe rights official urges Turkey to heed rule of law’ (BBC, 3 August 2016) < http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36964857> accessed 3 August 2016
Printed newspaper article
Author, | ‘title’ | newspaper | (City of publication, date of publication) | page number
– Robert Simmons, ‘Protests held in Australia over the abuse of animals in Zoos’ The Guardian (London, 4 November 2011) 22
Online newspaper article
Author, | ‘title’ | newspaper | (City of publication, date of publication) | <Website URL>
– Sarah Boseley, ‘PrEP HIV drugs: fight for limited NHS funds takes unedifying turn’ The Guardian (London, 3 August 2016) <https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/aug/03/prep-hiv-drugs-fight-for-limited-nhs-funds-takes-unedifying-turn>
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