Turabian Referencing 写作指北
Turabian 引用是 Chicago referencing 的一个细分; 它是专为dissertations、theses和term papers一起使用而设计的。 除了一些细微的差异外,它几乎与芝加哥的引用相同。 与芝加哥一样,它有两种变体:脚注和参考书目版本以及作者/日期变体。
Turabian Referencing 其中一种风格使用footnotes,在文本中标有引用的数字,并在页面底部详细说明,以及参考书目,其中应包括文章中直接引用的所有作品以及在 与主体的关系。 这与 Oxford referencing 非常相似。 另外一种引用方式,使用在工作结束时的参考列表中列出的 in-text citations(如 Harvard referencing )。 本指南将给出如何渲染这两种样式的示例。
‘Lille and Cranmer1 purport that this is the best option for modern restaurant-goers.’
The full citation that would be found at the bottom of the page would then be presented like so:
1 Jennifer Lille and Elsa Cranmer, Savvy: A Restaurant Guide. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 2005), 25.
Subsequent citations of the same source in the footnotes can be condensed – e.g.:
1 Lille and Cranmer, Savvy, 27.
在参考书目中也可以找到对该来源的完整引用:唯一的区别是在参考书目中,作者的姓氏排在第一位。 这些应按作者姓氏的字母顺序显示。
In-text citations 应该像这样呈现:
(Jones and Hughes, 2004, 9)。
1. Books书籍引用
Footnote 方式
Last name, first name. Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher, Year.
In-text 方式
Last name, first name. Year. Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher.
For example:
Footnote style
Davis, Bryan. A History of Chocolate. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 2011).
In-text style
Davis, Bryan. 2013. A History of Chocolate. 3rd ed. Nottingham: Delectable Publications.
Footnote 方式
Last name, first name and Last name, first name. Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). (City of publication: Publisher, Year).
In-text 方式
Last name, first name, Last name, first name and Last name, first name. Year. Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher.
For example:
Footnote style
Jones, Felicity and Hughes, Sam. Eating Out: A Definitive Restaurant Handbook. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 2006).
In-text style
Evans, Drew, McDonald, Fenella and Jackson, Trig. 2008. Getting the best service. Nottingham: Delectable Publications.
如果一本书有四位或更多作者,则仅应在文本中列出第一作者的姓名,后跟’et al.’。 在参考列表/参考书目中,您应该列出所有作者。 这和 Chicago style 是一样的。
Footnote 方式
Last name, first name, Last name, first name, Last name, first name, and Last name, first name. Title. (City of publication: Publisher, Year).
In-text 方式
Last name, first name, Last name, first name and Last name, first name. Year. Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher.
For example:
Footnote style
James, Patrick, Croft, David, Levin, Susan and Doe, Andrew. How to Succeed in the Restaurant Industry. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 1998).
In-text style
James, Patrick, Croft, David, Levin, Susan and Doe, Andrew 1998. How to Succeed in the Restaurant Industry. Nottingham: Delectable Publications.
在引用较大书籍中的单个章节时,确保添加章节跨越的页面范围 (p.) 很重要。
Footnote 方式
Last name, first name. ‘Chapter name’ in Book title, ed. by Editor/s name/s. (City of publication: Publisher, Year). Page/s.
Last name, first name. Year. ‘Chapter name’, In: Book Title. Edited by: Editor/s name/s. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher.
For example:
Footnote style
King, Sandra. ‘The best wines and where to find them’ in Fine Wine: A Guide, ed. by Edward Loftus. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 2010). pp. 28-46.
In-text style
King, Sandra. 2010. ‘The best wines and where to find them’. In: Fine Wine: A Guide, edited by Edward Loftus, 28-46. Nottingham: Delectable Publications.
在文本中,作者的文本通常可以按年份来区分。 它们应按出版时间顺序列出。 引用同一作者同一年发表的两部作品时,应在年份后直接标注“a”、“b”、“c”等。
Footnote 方式
Last name, first name. Title. Edition (if not the first edition of the book). City of publication: Publisher, Year.
In-text 方式
For example:
Footnote style
Brown, Graham. Mexican Food. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 2011).
Brown, Graham. Japanese Food. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 2014).
Brown, Graham. Chinese Food. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 2015a).
Brown, Graham. Italian Food. (Nottingham: Delectable Publications, 2015b).
In-text style
Brown, Graham. 2011. Mexican Food. Nottingham: Delectable Publications.
Brown, Graham. 2014. Japanese Food. Nottingham: Delectable Publications.
Brown, Graham. 2015a. Chinese Food. Nottingham: Delectable Publications.
Brown, Graham. 2015b. Italian Food. Nottingham: Delectable Publications.
2. 文章引用
Print Journals的引用
Footnote 方式
Last name, First name. “Article Title,” Journal name, Volume.Issue (Month Year): Page/s.
In-text 方式
Last name, First name. Year. “Article Title,” Journal name, Volume.Issue (Month): Page/s.
For example:
Footnote style
Jenkins, Oliver. “Unusual Recipes and Cantonese Cuisine,” Culinary Research, Volume 5.8 (May 1996):47-59.
In-text style
Jenkins, Oliver. 1996. “Unusual Recipes and Cantonese Cuisine,” Culinary Research, Volume 5.8 (May):47-59.
在两种风格的 Turabian 中,您都应尽可能引用数字对象标识符 (DOI)。
Footnote 方式
Last name, First name. “Article Title.” Journal name, Volume.Issue (Month Year): Page/s. Accessed: date, DOI/ URL.
In-text 方式
Last name, First name. Year. “Article Title,” Journal name, Volume.Issue: Page/s. Accessed: date. DOI or URL.
For example:
Footnote style
Jenkins, Oliver. “Unusual Recipes and Cantonese Cuisine,” Culinary Research, Volume 5.8 (May 1996): 47-59. Accessed 12 May 2015. < http://j.culinaryresearch.2010.10.009>
In-text style
Jenkins, Oliver. 1996. “Unusual Recipes and Cantonese Cuisine,” Culinary Research, Volume 5.8: 47-59. Accessed 12 May 2015. < http://j.culinaryresearch.2010.10.009>
报纸或杂志文章的引用– Print or Online:
Newspaper or magazine citations are rendered similarly to journal articles; the same differences in formatting occur, as the example below illustrates.
Footnote 方式
Last name, First name. ‘Article title.’ Newspaper name, Date published, Page/s.
Last name, First name. ‘Article Title.’ Newspaper name, Date published, Page/s. Accessed: Date. <URL>
In-text 方式
Last name, First name. Year. ‘Article title.’ Newspaper name, Date published, Page/s.
Last name, First name. Year. ‘Article Title.’ Newspaper name, Date published, Page/s. Accessed: date. <URL>
For example:
Footnote style
Bell, Yvette. ‘Man with unusual tastes eats chalk for breakfast’. The Weekly Herald. April 23 2016, 4.
Lees, Peter. ‘Freaky eaters’. The Weekly Herald 14 December 2013. Accessed 11 December 2014. <www.theweeklyheraldonline.com/freakyeaters2015>
In-text style
Bell, Yvette. 2016. ‘Man with unusual tastes eats chalk for breakfast’. The Weekly Herald. April 23 2016, p. 4.
Lees, Peter. 2013. ‘Freaky eaters’. The Weekly Herald, 14 December. Accessed 11 December 2014. <www.theweeklyheraldonline.com/freakyeaters2015>
3. 在线资源
引用网站时,确定网站的作者身份很重要——如果网站上的文章不是报纸/杂志网站或在线期刊,则可能有个人作者; 如果不是,则该组织或网站名称将被视为作者。
Footnote 方式
Author/Source if no specific author, “Title of web document/page,” Website name if different than author name, Date last updated if available. Accessed: date. <URL>
In-text 方式
Author/Source if no specific author, Year. “Title of web document/page,” Website name if different than author name, Date last updated if available. Accessed: date. <URL>
For example:
Footnote style
HealthTips.com, “Superfoods and where to find them,” last updated 11 June 2014. Accessed: 23 June 2016. <www.healthtipsarticles.com/superfoodsandwheretofindthem>
In-text style
HealthTips.com, 2014. “Superfoods and where to find them,” last updated 11 June 2014. Accessed: 23 June 2016. <www.healthtipsarticles.com/superfoodsandwheretofindthem>
4. 图像/可视媒体
Footnote 方式
Full Title of Film/Video/DVD, directed by Name of Director. Year; City/country of origin: film studio or distributor, Year of medium release if appropriate. Medium.
In-text 方式
Full Title of Film/Video/DVD. Year. Directed by Name of Director. City/country of origin: film studio or distributor, Year of medium release if appropriate. Medium.
For example:
Footnote style
The World’s Best Curries, directed by Jackson Hertz. 2008; Nottingham: Foodie Studios. Film.
In-text style
The World’s Best Curries, 2008. Directed by Jackson Hertz. Nottingham: Foodie Studios. Film.
Citations for YouTube videos:
Footnote 方式
“Video Title”. Filmed [Month Year]. YouTube Video, Duration. Posted by “Name of contributor”, Month Year. <URL>
In-text 方式
Name/Username of contributor. “Video Title”. Filmed [Month Year]. YouTube Video, Duration. Posted by “Name of contributor” [Month Year]. <URL>
For example:
Footnote style
“Egg custard – simple recipe!”. Filmed [June 2013]. YouTube Video, 13.45. Posted by “Yummydishes”, June 2013. <www.youtube.com/yummydisheseggcustard>
In-text style
Yummydishes. “Egg custard – simple recipe!”. Filmed [June 2013]. YouTube Video, 13.45. Posted [June 2013]. <www.youtube.com/yummydisheseggcustard>
图片/照片的引用 – Print or Online:
Footnote 方式
Last name, first name. Title of image. Year. Format of image, “Collection name”.
Last name, first name. Title of image. Year. Format of image, “Collection name”. <URL>
In-text 方式
Last name, first name. Year. Title of image. Format of image, “Collection name”.
Last name, first name. Year. Title of image. From Name of Website. URL.
For example:
Footnote style
Hewer, Drella. Women enjoying a cup of tea. 1995. Photograph. “Food Photography Library”.
Hewer, Drella. Women enjoying a cup of tea. 1995. Photograph. “Food Photography Library”. <www.phototoday/dhewerteaphoto>
In-text style
Hewer, Drella. 1995. Women enjoying a cup of tea. “Food Photography Library”.
Hewer, Drella. 1995. Women enjoying a cup of tea. 1995. From PhotoToday Online www.phototoday/dhewerteaphoto.
5. 其他来源类型
Footnote 方式
Last name of author, first name. “Title of dissertation“. Level. Official name of university, year.
In-text 方式
Last name of author, first name. Year. “Title of dissertation“. Level. Official name of university.
For example:
Footnote style
Neath, G. “An examination of Mexican food in popular culture.” Masters thesis. Oxford Brookes University: 1998.
In-text style
Neath, G. 1998. “An examination of Mexican food in popular culture”. Masters thesis. Oxford Brookes University.
Government/Official publications的引用:
Footnote 方式
Government agency/Last name of author, first name. Year. Title of document. (City of publication: publisher, year).
In-text 方式
Government agency/Last name of author, first name. Year. Title of document. City of publication: publisher.
For example:
Footnote style
UK Government. Nutrition and Young People. (London: Government Publications, 2013).
In-text style
UK Government. 2013. Nutrition and Young People. London: Government Publications.
Footnote 方式
Last name of interviewer, first name. Interview with Interviewee’s name. Publication Details if applicable. Location, Day Month Year.
In-text 方式
Last name of interviewer, first name. Year. Interview with Interviewee’s name. Publication Details if applicable. Day Month. Location.
For example:
Footnote style
Ferman, Helen. Interview with Olivia Bill. Delicious Magazine. London, 6 October 2011.
In-text style
Ferman, Helen. 2011. Interview with Olivia Bill. Delicious Magazine. 6 October. London.
Footnote 方式
Performer/writer’s last name, first name. Recording title. Music publisher. CD/LP reference number if available. Year. Format.
In-text 方式
Performer/writer’s last name, first name. Year. Recording title. Music publisher. CD/LP reference number if available. Year of CD issue if different, Format.
For example:
Footnote style
Luce, Frankie. Delicious. Delectable Music. CD 487 685-3. 1996. CD recording.
In-text style
Luce, Frankie. 1996. Delicious. Delectable Music. CD 487 685-3. 1999, CD recording.
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