Classification Paragraph, Essay, Speech, or Character Study的50个相关主题分享


Classification Paragraph, Essay, Speech, or Character Study的50个相关主题分享



分类可以使作家以有组织的方式聚集思想,尤其是当作家的障碍物可能触及时。 在识别和说明不同的类型,品种和方法时特别有用。 分类作品本身可以成为论文或文章,也可以用作对某些作品进行较长时间的预写练习,例如探索为小说创作的人物。

“While classification has been used…as a method for organizing essays and paragraphs, classification and other traditional methods of organization [also] have come to be used as tools of invention, of systematically exploring subjects in order to develop ideas for an essay.” — David Sabrio

预先撰写:集思广益|Prewriting: Brainstorming




分类段落|Classification Paragraph

以主题句子开头分类段落,以使读者知道该段落的含义。 这可能包括您要分类的项目的列表。 接下来的句子将显示组中的项目如何相似,如何不同或对它们的使用或观察方式进行某种说明。 最后用一个结论句。 如果该段落旨在作为文章的引言,请确保顺利过渡到文章的主体。

分类论文|Classification Essay

在将文章扩展到分类论文时,请使用上述分类段落作为介绍性段落。 添加三个或更多的正文段落。 每个类别都将采用不同的类别,并探讨其优点和缺点。 最后,结论段落将总结正文段落,并可能判断哪个是更好的选择。

分段演讲|Classification Speech

分类演讲不同于段落或论文。 在这样的演讲中,演讲者可能正在寻找以有组织的方式告诉听众某些东西的方法。 我们建议其成员发表演讲,作为向其他成员介绍自己的方法。


  • 为什么选择您的企业或专业
  • 您发现工作中最有意义,最困难的部分
  • 建议你给那些进入你的职业生涯的人



    1. Students in a library
    2. Roommates
    3. Hobbies
    4. Music on your phone or MP3 player
    5. Study habits
    6. Stand-up comedians
    7. Self-centered people
    8. Online educational resources
    9. Gardeners
    10. Drivers in a traffic jam
    11. Reality shows on television
    12. Sales clerks
    13. Fictional detectives
    14. Road trips
    15. Dancing styles
    16. Video games
    17. Customers at your workplace
    18. Ways of boring people
    19. Cheaters
    20. Shoppers
    21. Rides at an amusement park
    22. First dates
    23. Videos on YouTube
    24. Stores in the mall
    25. People waiting in line
    26. Churchgoers
    27. Attitudes toward exercising
    28. Reasons for attending (or not attending) college
    29. Baseball pitchers, football quarterbacks, or soccer goalies
    30. Styles of eating in the cafeteria
    31. Ways of saving money
    32. Talk-show hosts
    33. Vacations
    34. Methods of studying for a final examination
    35. Friends
    36. Comedians
    37. Ways of quitting smoking
    38. Attitudes toward money
    39. Television comedies
    40. Diets
    41. Sports fans
    42. On-campus jobs for students
    43. Ways of coping with a cold
    44. Note-taking strategies
    45. Attitudes toward tipping in restaurants
    46. Political activists
    47. Portable music players
    48. Different uses of social networking sites (such as Facebook and Twitter)
    49. High school teachers or college professors
    50. Ways of protecting the environment





