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Perseverance: An Interview with a Nurse
A child born to two high school students, Jane describes her childhood as “poor” and holds a lot of resentment toward her parents to this day. She spent much of her childhood having to fend for herself and believing that her grandparents and friends’ parents had more input on her upbringing than her own parents. “I spent like 70% of my childhood at my grandparents’ house and like 90% of that time in my grandfather’s garage and workshop.” In fact, Jane attributes much of her knowledge and “handiness” to him: “I learned most of my life skills from him; from a very young age, he had me doing most things for myself.” Though this was difficult for her, it did force her to become self-reliant, which has served her well later in life.
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Admittedly on the “wrong path” in her younger years, Jane struggled with who she was becoming as a person. “I was hanging out with the wrong people, making really bad choices, doing drugs,” states Jane. That is, until she met a particular high school teacher. Jane describes the teacher as a “well-educated, well-off, and very strict” person who pushed her to think about how she acted, how she could realize her potential, and what “direction to take in life” to actually realize that potential. Jane reflects, “She was really hard on me and told me about her own choices and what she had been able to accomplish, and it made me think ‘I don’t have to be this person.’” Without this influence, Jane speculates about what may have become of her: “A lot of the people I used to hang out with are dead now from the bad choices they made.” Whatever her feelings, all of these influences, good and bad, led her to become the person she is today: a strong, independent, driven, compassionate, curious individual. These character traits and qualities influence every aspect of her life.
Jane describes herself as a person who is “driven, sometimes obnoxious, stubborn yet understanding, open-minded, strong, yet has a hard time saying no to people, and above all passionate about making wrong things right.” Her fiancé, Jess, describes her as an “adventurous, life-loving companion,” while her friend Teresa would use the words “determined, strong, compassionate, nature lover, and good mother.” All of these are true. Above all, she knows who she is and is not afraid to speak her mind. The many facets to her personality are what make Jane such an interesting, complex person. Indeed, she seems to be able to find common ground with all different types of people, with very little difficulty. “I just find it really easy to talk to people. I try to think about where they may be coming from, and I think that makes it easier,” Jane states.
One of the things that draw people in is that she is very open about her life and lifestyle: she is unashamedly gay. In fact, this is what her friend Teresa admired most about her when she met her in nursing school. Jane speaks openly about her previous marriage and long custody battle for the son she had helped raise from birth. “I just feel like the more people who know the struggles we face will increase exposure to the bigger picture. Equal rights are important to me—for everyone, not just myself,” Jane asserts.
Jane faced the battle of her life fighting for custody of her son after the breakup of her marriage. Though she shares no biological connection with her son, Jane never gave up the fight for custody, despite concerns for the effect it would have on him. “I worried how the legal battle would affect him: Would it be devastating for him? Would it open new wounds? Would it destroy the life he has now?” Ultimately, Jane persevered, maintaining, “This was, and is, my child, and you don’t let your children go.” Once same sex marriage was legalized in Michigan, and after five years of legal battles, she finally succeeded in winning 50/50 custody of her son. That does not mean, however, that the battle is over; Jane and her son are still struggling to learn how to be in each other’s lives again after such a long period of estrangement. Jane states, “It definitely has been an adjustment—for both of us. The first day I had him back, he didn’t even speak to me, but things get better day by day. And we’re figuring things out as we go.”
She also doesn’t let her previous failed marriage stop her from finding love again and is set to marry her fiancé Jess later this month. “I’m excited for the future. I can’t wait to continue this adventure with the love of my life. I feel like I’ve been waiting for her my whole life.” One of the things Jess states she loves most is their “shared love of anything outdoors.” And while Jane acknowledges she has many varied interests, including a voracious appetite for the written word, her greatest love is “to enjoy natural beauty and the peace that comes with it.”
With the help of her high school teacher, Jane realized she wanted to “be somebody,” but struggled to find her calling. Jane recalls, “I’ve had so many jobs before nursing, like 10–15 at least. I enjoyed them all for the most part, but mostly I enjoyed learning and mastering them. Then I was ready to move on.” Jane attributes this to “a need to find new challenges.” Once she found nursing, she realized that the infinite number of challenges and specialties within the field would provide ongoing challenges for her curious mind. Jane states, “It’s perfect. If I get bored or need a new challenge, I can change departments, specialize in a certain field, teach, basically do anything.” As a nurse, she thrives in the supervisory position; she definitely likes to be the one calling the shots and is a very capable delegator. “I don’t like to be told what to do, so I like being in charge,” Jane avows. As her fiancé would say, “She is bossy, but good at it.” Her greatest assets as a nurse are her desire to “do what is right in any situation” and a drive to know more, to do more. Knowledge is power. She also never forgets the most important component of nursing: the patient. [11] Her patients are the number one priority; she will “fight for their health, safety, and rights.” “Because who else will?” she speculates.
Is she perfect? No. But overall, she has a very strong moral code and is not afraid to stand up for what she thinks is right: in love, in life, in her career. It is this strength that enabled her to overcome obstacles in her journey through life. In fact, the most important thing she would want people to know about her is that she “won’t give up.” The greatest thing I have learned from knowing her is the value of believing in yourself: to be who you want to be, to stand up for what you think is right, to just take a stand. She is an asset to any facility where she works and a bright light to all who know her. I am proud to call her friend.
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