30个 Persuasive Thesis Statement Examples 分享
当你回顾这些主题和有说服力的论文陈述的例子时,请记住这一点:当你写一篇有说服力的文章(persuasive essay)时,你的Thesis Statement应该试图让你的观众相信你的观点。
换句话说,它需要有争议(debatable)。 因此,当您撰写自己的论文陈述( thesis statement )时,请考虑您对该主题的立场以及您如何制定适合您自己的论文的论文陈述。
ESSAYZHIDAO提供各种类型的Essay代写服务,不管是Essay、Case study、Assignment、College Paper、Business Plan、Term Paper、Coursework还是高中作业我们都可以写,目前已经为加拿大、美国、英国、澳洲、新西兰以及新加坡等地留学生提供代写essay论文、润色修改以及turnitin抄袭检测服务。
1. Is a college education necessary?
2. Does Facebook (or other forms of social media) create isolation?
3. Should guns be permitted on college campuses?
4. Do kids benefit if everyone on the team receives a trophy?
5. Is society too dependent on technology?
6. Should all high school students be required to complete parenting classes?
7. Does the school day start too early?
8. Should the minimum wage be increased?
9. Should elementary schools teach cursive handwriting?
10. Should childhood vaccinations be mandatory?
11. Are security cameras an invasion of privacy?
12. Should citizens be allowed to keep exotic pets?
13. Should a relaxed dress code be allowed in the workplace?
14. Is it ethical to sentence juveniles as adults?
15. Should corporations be allowed to advertise in schools?
16. Should public transportation be free for all residents of a city?
17. Is professional football too dangerous for players?
18. Should minors be allowed to get tattoos (if they have parental permission)?
19. Should fracking be banned?
20. Should a college education be free for everyone?
21. Should all violence be banned from children’s programming?
22. Should the paparazzi be required to give celebrities some amount of privacy?
23. Does the US welfare system need to be reformed?
24. Should bilingual education be implemented in more schools across the US?
25. Should students be required to volunteer in their communities in order to graduate from high school?
26. Is the fast food industry to blame for childhood obesity?
27. Can schools prevent cyber bullying?
28. Is an online education as good as a traditional education?
29. Should stem cell research be permitted?
30. Should pet stores be required to sell rescue animals?
Time to Write!
ESSAYZHIDAO是专业的英文论文指导学术机构,不管是论文、Essay、Assignment、College Paper、Coursework、Lab Report还是高中作业我们都可以写,目前已经为加拿大、美国、英国、澳洲、新西兰以及新加坡等地留学生提供代写论文、代写作业以及论文修改指导服务。